Thursday 17 July 2008


Ed's gone and made the unofficial Olympic T Shirt which brings to life the international flavour of the event in a positive way that will definitely not be seen in China. I know because I've scoured the entire Olympic merchandise/official sponsor merchandise/advertising and I have one complaint; it's all about China and nothing to do with the international multi cultural dimensions of the event (as I hinted at in this post over here and continued the discussion in the comments over here). Anyway, Ed has single handedly cracked the problem with this brilliant design that has all the names of the competing countries. Neat 'n sweet eh?


There are only 888 of them which as you may know represents the 8th day of the 8th month of the 8th year - which is when the Olympics start next month. 8 is also considered a lucky number in Chinese culture. These are a hip buy and you can buy one over here.

Oil & Water