Wednesday, 21 December 2016

#PizzaGate: Unexplained Rates Of Missing Children Surrounding Washington D.C.

Strangely enough more children go missing in the same State (Virginia) as the CIA HQ than anywhere else. Old knowledge to people who research these things.

Update: The original video was deleted so I've had to replace it with a suitable alternative. Much is censored when it is close to the mark.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

War Dogs - Official Trailer [HD]

War Dogs is a film about two Jewish American guys who join the Pentagon arms-tender gravy train. It's college humour mostly but based on a true story. The photo I've used is a picture of Israeli General Mofaz after 9/11 instructing Zionist Neocon Jews Wolfowitz, Zakheim and Feith at the Pentagon on how to lead the war against Iraq who were accused in a Zionist Neocon conspiracy theory of having Weapons of Mass Destruction (Delusion).

This conspiracy theory cost Iraq a million plus lives and as a result the planet pissed away trillions on a global snoop state that digitally scoops up everything everyone else does.

Turkish Delight - Bloopers, Blunders, And Outtakes

Well what with all the PizzaGate revelations it was destined to happen. This one honks to high heaven though. A right stinker.