Monday, 28 March 2016

Saudi Arabia Uncovered - ITV


As ever the British government are fully complicit in the brutal violence that constitutes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Not only do they sponsor all the terrorism but our government pretends it must be allies with them for the intelligence they provide.

This is the obnoxious lie that props up the pseudo reality spewed by British politicians and the Zionist controlled media.

Wikileaks: Clinton/Rothschild Relationship Exposed

The Rothschilds are desperate to get their Zionist puppet Hillary Clinton into power. It's fair to say whatever faction Barack Obama represents, (and they're just as scummy), it's probably not a Rothschild backed one.

Paul Freedman, "European Slavery and Serfdom in the Middle Ages"

Professor Freedman's Yale Lectures on the early middle ages are among the finest on the internet. He's likable, modest and conveys a lot of information in his densely packed lectures.