Monday, 9 March 2015

Naomi Wolf on Fake News, False Flags & Crisis Actors

Naomi Wolf is taking a great risk here as It's inconceivable to consumers that large scale events like Boston Bamboozle and Sandy Hoax are synthetic, with Government/State collaboration and considerable use of well remunerated crisis actors.

However for those with their critical thinking still intact try to find a Sandy Hook pupil photo from between Jan 1 to Dec 1 2012 (it was already shut down) and watch the Boston Bombing with someone who knows the difference between a smoke bomb and a real one (Hint the real one works like the second photo below unlike the crisis actor currently creaming it with lucrative Hollywood style books and celebrity appearances (only days after losing his legs) in the first picture here.

Crisis Actor (Amputee War Veteran)

Real Bomb Victim

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Dark Side of the Moon - Apollo 11 Mockumentary

Back in 2011 I uploaded 100's of hours of quality research videos to Youtube and I was reminded earlier that my account was closed for scraping the above video from the now defunct GoogleVideos to Youtube.

The above mockumentary is amusing because it is a masterpiece of using humour to conceal what is very much in plain sight. In other words it's disinformation.

I haven't discussed the topic for a few years but it seems more people are receptive to the use of Hollywood trickery in selling the Apollo 11 moon landing which may have happened but the photography used is without hesitation studio photography.

If you never got to watch the documentaries on Google Videos I'm afraid your education will never have such a chance again to see videos that are now completely scrubbed from the net.

Saturday, 28 February 2015

911 Hijackers Neighbours With Mossad

Video reports like this tend to get removed when I post them here so I can't be responsible for that when people complain in the future. The Israeli involvement in 9/11 is overwhelming when studied in its entirety. This video alone isn't enough, it takes a lot more fact checking for the individual to pursue alone.