Saturday, 27 September 2014

WTF is ERP (Entreprise Resource Planning)

Getting to grips with the nomenclature of Enterprise Resource Planning (for SAP at present but possibly ORACLE later ) is quite a laugh. Everything has really bland geek names that are best exemplified by the original name of SAP and the current meaning of the name.

SAP was System Analysis and Program Development but is now Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing.

Both of them are so memorable right? 

Anyway the video above is a good presentation of what ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is all about. Pop it in the player and learn if you like.

Pentagon War Director - "Israel Behind 9/11"

Dr Alan Sabrosky is not only a serious Pentagon war strategist, he is also of Jewish extraction. Find out why Israel (with criminal elements in the USA) plotted a false flag demolition of the Twin Towers on 9/11 and used their friends in the media to cover it up.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

My memory is playing tricks on me. I suspect I haven't seen this film since it came out 10 years ago, and yet I immediately recalled watching a movie where a girl with blue hair is engaging with a guy on a bus or a train like in the above scene in the first few seconds of the movie. 

Maybe it was Blue Valentine?

How strange and self referential. How annoying I can't remember.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a very good movie premise if you can't remember what it's all about. 

The deprogramming scenes go on a little too long (for me) but they're very much like LSD trips or at least like my LSD trips, where beginning, middle and end are hard to sequence.