Monday, 10 June 2013

Turnkey Totalitarianism - Ed Snowden - NSA Whistleblower

The NSA can smear anybody, anytime, anywhere. They can go back into your emails and find any small disagreement with old friends and throw mud at any person they wish to. Edward Snowden has joined the ranks of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange. People who are being punished by the totalitarianism of the American National Security state.

It's not what they snoop on. It's what you wont say in public or private from now on that the NSA has control over you. Judging by how little some have said already I can see humanity turned into a timid and enslaved prison planet. Do the right thing. Speak up, speak clearly, speak with your heart.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

The Normal - T.V.O.D.

Andrew Neil @afneil Threatened To Have Me Arrested If I Land In Heathrow

Update: The original media content of this post has been removed by the BBC. However as the subject of Andrew Neil and Epstein has resurfaced in a spat between him and former Boris Johnson girlfriend, Jennifer Arcuri yesterday, I'm posting the tweets indicating the legal action he is threatening as he once did to me.

[Original post text] - If Andrew Neil want's to fly me to the UK to prosecute me I'll happily do a stint in jail to outline why I found his defence of Lord McAlpine so odious. He's an establishment brown-noser.