Friday, 17 May 2013

John Cusack & Hillary Duff - War Inc

If you haven't seen War Inc I recommend it. It's low budget enough to squeeze past the US censors, funny enough to look at the GovCorp warmongering in Pipelinestan with laugh out loud moments and still packs in a well written and witty storyline. 

It's so true as well. 

I only found out about it recently because I was researching John Cusack as he's really quite switched on. Given the corporate whore media's shift to the Northern Caucasus region dubbed "The hottest terror spot on the planet" this film will definitely be recognised as ahead of its time.

Steal it off the internet today. Here's the link to the torrents.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The English Are Waking Up

Stephen Hawking's cosmic moment in the war on Zionism. It's over folks it will never be possible for Israel to smear their critics with lies and calumny as credibly again. Hat's off to Mike Cushman in the UK for this video that shows us what decent Jews are capable of. According to UN resolution 3379 Zionism is Racism

It's that simple.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Carl Bernstein (Watergate Journalist) - Zionist Neocons Are The Warmongers

According to United Nations Resolution 3379, Zionism is Racism. But worse than that, these are the radicals who are behind the unecessary American wars. Sometimes their agenda isn't shared by the CIA and the Neoconservatives so they just manipulate Congress through AIPAC to get into wars America doesn't want.

There's no difference between Nazism, Apartheid and Zionism. It's an illness.