Friday, 7 September 2012

Frank Zappa - Biography Documentary

It's not a British documentary so it's not brilliant, as that's a genre the Brits are superior at producing. But it is OK and puts together an interview that is otherwise broken up into clips on Youtube. It was Dangerous Minds who put me onto Zappa but since I have been blocked for from leaving comments there I'll let you use a search engine instead of doing the courtesy of leaving a link.

Zappa was extraordinarily intelligent. He didn't indulge in drugs or drink and had very high standards from an unusually large musical entourage who all read music as well as classical musicians. In many respects I see Frank Zappa as the most serious contemporary musician of the 20th century and I'm looking forward to working my way through his enormous output till well into my old age. But it's worth pointing out one more time, that the man saw completely through the charade that is painted on the walls and presented as reality to the petit bourgeois consumer classes.

With his long hair and pointed beard he could have slipped into easily into a waistcoat and ruffled shirt and passed as a Viennese mad genius conductor. Secretly I think he knew this.

Mitt Romney's Mom

The video keeps getting removed so make your mind up if you're interested to watch it now. 

Yesterday I was reminded that most politicians in Washington have sexual scandal being used to blackmail them. I originally  heard it in some MKULTRA interviews but the content was so shocking I didn't want to quote it but yesterday was a pretty tame interview that made it clear that the allegations are true.

Why do I mention this? Well because Mitt gives me the creeps. Whatever it is he's interested in it's not the well being of normal people and I sense there's a different agenda that pushes him to do things that no decent person could ignore.

But all said and done his Mom comes across as a decent person. However, I also read earlier that his father George Romney was heavily involved with CIA MK ULTRA.

This is not an endorsement for Democrats. Both sides are owned by Wall Street.

BBC: Kings of Glam

Tricky to get the subject matter right because the worst excesses of Glam are so over the top. I've seen much better documentaries but it has some great points. It's strongest feature are the creative people associated to the cast of characters from the world of music. If a documentary gets this right and gets them talking in an interesting manner it's always doable. You can make a documentary about anything no matter how cheesy.

Lot's of working class boys from the Midlands in this one (shout out to Slade). Bryan Ferry drips style and there's a momentary glimpse of David Bowie at Marc Bolam's funeral getting into a chaffeur driven limousine and looking flawless. 

Sombre but perfectly flawless.