Thursday, 12 January 2012

James Martinez - A New Global Economic Restructuring

My metric for assessing people who can navigate a way through the impending turbulence is  if they understand cold fusion technology suppression. It's a simple litmus test for the independent thinker.

James Martinez is an authority on MK ULTRA and Cold Fusion or LENR as the establishment prefers to call it. (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction)

Infographic: How Much Money Is Printed To Save The Western Perpetual War/Central Banking Model?

The liquidity injections tell you everything you don't want to know. We're insolvent and our holographic fiat currency is propping us all up at the expense of the poor. We''re predatory around oil countries (Libya and Iran), and I say morally bankrupt. The full story is over at the Financial Times.

The comments below the article refuse to ask the 64 cent question. 

How much keyboard tap money can the fiat currency/federal reserve/central banking model take? 

We're going to find out.

The Yorkshire TV Paedophile Documentary That Downing Street Pulled

My own videos on the Paul Bonacci testimony were pulled when my Youtube account was shut down. Even though I transferred them from Google Videos. This documentary about the Franklin Coverup is essential understanding to how 21st century political power really really works. It's dark and ugly.