Sunday 20 November 2011

A Central Banking Wet Dream - Consumers With RFID Chips

In a perfect world technology would actually solve more problems than it creates but in our psychopath-run world technology has increased the number of starving populations not diminished them. Half the planet gets by on two bucks a day and the best and most cutting edge technology goes straight to the military to be weaponized and unless you wake up soon, one day that technology is going to be turned on you. Maybe a drone first, possibly a chip later.

Don't believe me? Look at the Apple junkies, then watch the William Pawelec interview and ask yourself. Who would be first in the line to get an RFID chip under the skin if it meant a bite at some elusive fallen apple?

Watch it. You'll learn something.

Saturday 19 November 2011

#OWS - Why The Cops Are Behaving Like Pigs

They're just following orders. They will continue to do so no matter how immoral those orders are. You wait and see.

Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter From Alice In Wonderland


Not a lot of people remark on it but the quality of acting is a bit like sports in so much as the quality has risen to an extraordinary level over the last fifty years. So much so there's not much improvement left. 

I've got a soft spot for Americans doing exceptional British characters and accents, so after watching Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland with Johnny Depp doing the finest Mad Hatter I can imagine, I've put him alongside Brad Pitt's gypsy character from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels for extraordinary acting performances that leave me full of admiration and respect.

Anybody got an unusual interpretation of the story? I'm all ears.