Sunday, 14 August 2011

Is Krugman Pro Project Bluebeam?

Krugman is too far down the food chain (and too critical of ruling elites) to know what's really going on but he is high enough up the ladder to receive sotto voce tip offs if it suits an agenda. 

Interesting timing. 

Ancient Aliens And Sacred Places

If asked the best TV shows I've watched, I'd say The Wire for casting and scripts, and Ancient Aliens for prodding me to examine everything I ever knew. This is the third series but I do recommend going back to the beginning. All of them are available on Youtube. They are Socratic interrogations which makes them so enjoyable. Materialist science,  tenured history and archaeology wouldn't be the sham they currently are if they took their example from the only mainstream media content to question the fundamental delusion that planet Earth isn't the 7-Eleven of the cosmos. It is. Whatever way you cut the evidence.

Reptilian Symbolism in Conan the Barbarian
