Saturday 23 April 2011

Aspartame - It's Not Natural

As part of my research on the war on your pineal gland and general health, I've uncovered that Aspartame, Xylatol and Fluoride are the three chemicals most worthy of investigating on your own behalf. Here's a radio show and a just published blog post on the topic of Aspartame that I urge you to listen and read.

Predictive Programming

Update: The original video was removed so I've posted the lead video on the subject on Youtube.

I only post this because it's so wild. However if there's one element of the whole 'what in the world is going on' investigative theme that stumps me its the nagging feeling that the fabric of time is often being meddled with on occasions. I wont elaborate on that but you can find lots of mind boggling examples from the synchro-mysticism crowd who write astonishing 10 feet long blog posts (word counts are so yesterday) on the subject. So enjoy the video and try not to ignore it. The definition of a coincidence is you weren't paying attention the first time round (or it's what you have left from a bad theory).

Is Subterranean Denver An Underground Base?

I don't pay too much attention to the FEMA camp stories in the US, or the emergency food packs being prepared as I have less interest in that area than the more geopolitical issues that could affect the planet. However a couple of reliable blogs I read are talking about this issue and at the same time I've just been reminded that the UFO sightings over Denver seems to be a regular feature of that area. I've no idea whether they are connected but I'd be doing my own research if I lived in the area or was a U.S. citizen.