Friday, 1 April 2011

Bohemian Grove vs Bilderberg All Stars

There was a time before The Guardian exposed the Bilderberg Club as global corporatists suspiciously and excessively protecting privacy with intimidation and violence, that people would wheel out the tired and ill informed conspiracy epithet. Not any more. The attention on the Bilderbergs is scrutinised more closely now, and attendance is dropping under the glare of transparency. Davos has lost it's shine too I've noticed.

So is Bohemian Grove the new Bilderberg Group? It's a bit more exclusive, all male, heavily American centric and once again loaded with ritualism, symbolism and ceremonial sacrifices with powerful men running around naked in the woods every summer.

Vigilant citizen have just served up some lovely videos including Alex Jones confronting a very jittery Nixon, Ford, Clinton, Reagan political consultant called David Gergen. Does he look a man who might have been caught on camera doing satanic worship things? Oh yeah, All these presidents attended too.

Marc Dutroux & The Bilderbergs

I still can't shake off that idea that sacrificing humans in ritual sexual satanic ceremonies actually transfers some sort of human force field from the victim to the abusers. A sort of abuse of Kundalini energy. To me human energy is as real as the energy of the Sun.

I heard a reliable account of ritualised abuse through Jay Weidner and it just rung true. I immediately recalled an earlier comment from the child murder case of Marc Dutroux in Belgium. I paid little attention to it at the time except for the evidence that the police behaved suspiciously  incompetent, and a remark from Dutroux that if we knew the real story and who was involved it would shake Brussels and the world to the core. Brussels is the home of weirdos like NATO and the European parliament. I get the occasional bad vibe from people who've talked about a scene from there. It feels ugly although the city itself is beautiful.

Earlier while looking up some stuff I came across a reference to connections between the Bilderberg group and Dutroux so I watched this video and frankly I'm staggered to learn that as many as 27 witnesses died during the investigation and that the jury formally protested against the judges behaviour. The original judge Jean-Marc Connerotte was forced to tears when his life was threatened by shadowy powerful people in high places including politics and the police.

I guess my question is what if we're sidetracked by the sexual abuse and thus pay insufficient attention to the ritualised aspects of it? As I understand it The Bilderberg Group is more of a recruiting ground for up and coming global titans or those on the slide down, as one comment put it. I'm not suggesting that they're all ritualistic abusers. One would be enough. Two would be a trend.

Google Helvetica

I even made it into real time research.