Sunday, 6 February 2011

Marko Rodin - Vortex Mathmatics (Toroidal Power)

I thought about this for two days before posting it. I was just looking for a logical explanation why sacred geometry seems to be so compelling. I'm a person who takes an interest in Mandelbrot Sets and those Mandalas I was referring to earlier; Marko Rodin explained in the first few minutes of this four hour presentation. A lot of you might feel uncomfortable with the anti materialist science rhetoric which if that's the case then just stick to the math, that he confidently delivers upon. 

However for a discovery that he refuses to commercialise and wishes to be an open source gift for sustainable energy development I think that anti materialist science stance is an act of nobility and truth. Give it a couple of minutes if you can. What I could understand the first time round watching this blew my temporal lobe

Saturday, 5 February 2011


Zeitgeist was much more useful for me the second time round than the first. It compelled me to drill down into topics I don't really have enough time for till cloning is on the table but the result of that work was happily fruitful and in some ways releases some spare tick over capacity I'd probably cordoned off subconsciously when asking that really boring question. Who am I?

I still ask of course but some of the chronology has been taken off my shoulders.

I learned that the producer of Zeitgeist relented to the inquisition for his full name and gave the interview above. He's got two things going for him. He's young and he's rapaciously clever. I only know that because I was getting hammered and laid in bars at his age. I'm a late bloomer. He works in advertising sometimes so I thought that was interesting. 

His name is Peter.

Sean Dorrance Kelly & The Sacred

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Sean Dorrance Kelly
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>Video Archive

Sean is a philosphy professor at Harvard. He's cut from fresher cloth than the usual backwash though his sporting analogies are distinctly U.S thematic and about to be as evolutionarily crucial as the appendix. That doesn't mean they don't matter. It just means it doesn't count. Still worth viewing for asking a great question.