Saturday, 17 January 2009

The Beginning

I don't know where the end is but if you asked me to guess I'd say somewhere around 850. I'll try and find a way to come back to this in a years time because all I've been doing is inhaling economics blogs and it's what goes unsaid that is most startling. I'm still very optimistic about the opportunity to rewire our global economy if we can find a leader who has the strength to coral the others into accepting what is clearly a logical imperative.

Over to you "Young Mr Obama" as the God of Junk Mail refers to him.
Via Rich

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Funny Old World

Sometimes people ask me to post stuff and I'm a bit snookered because it's not very good. Sounds condescending but I've kind of taken the creative classes to task for not being very creative over here.

I do also love taking time out to talk to artistic people in my own time, but for simple reasons. I like to know what they're into. If it's new I start to think new. Which is good.

In any case I was somewhat happy when I found out that Andrew Spurgeon of JWT made this because I liked it from the git go and of course I like it more now I know who made it. It works doesn't it?