Showing posts with label child abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child abuse. Show all posts

Sunday 8 October 2023

Anyone For Pudding?

First they rape children Elon so they don't get blood stain libels on their clothes, then they might mutilate them, and then maybe torture them some more, break a few limbs, slice them up, drink the blood and then eat them like a pudding for dessert.

Why you XtweetedX about the subject and then unleashed a flood of AI generated Hero archetype images, days in advance of the pudding tweet and then censored those who reminded you of your 'pedo guy' tweet referring to the rescue guy in Thailand, is your duty to explain to the world. 

Unfortunately for me, I already know.

How is your brother Kimbal or should that be pronounced Kim B'aal?

Friday 14 July 2023

Over The Target



Sunday 21 May 2023

The End of Rebellion Will Soon be Extinct - Extinction Rebellion - Rebellion Extinct

Extinction Rebellion = Rebellion Extinct. 

Geddit ?

In plain language it's the end of the universally recognised right, to protest due to the Police and Crime bill passed last month which takes away the right to protest on the flimsiest of excuses. 

It won't be used till it matters.

In old books, the difference between Evil and Wicked is that any arsehole can inadvertantly and wittingly or otherwise be evil. Wicked is different, wicked is to purposefully be evil and that's how wicked entered global English vernacular by design.

It doesn't take Looking Glass technology to know an awakening and largely injected population are going to be irritable at best and kamikaze at worst. The laws to crush those rights were taken by crisis actors glueing themselves to the road (but not art galleries natch).

In carefully strategized publicity pranks by Extinction Rebellion. The right to peacefully protest was taken away from the British people ("Hurrah" the trainspotters at the front yelled) and superfast legislation to crush all protests including the one where you can no longer use petroleum to get about. 

Electric vehicles can be remotely disabled, but far more pernicious is they suck big time, but only from an ecological, fossilized-fuel cost/benefit perspective. Human rights aren't guaranteed anywhere in the world, but for the child labour. It would be neglect not to call it out right? 

If the public concluded that a young British Hedge Fund manager invested in the still unproven technology of mRNA [modeRNA] injections exactly a decade ago, and then, get this...went on to become PM of the UK a decade later during the philanthropically billionaire-predicted pandemic where his blind-trust held investments went on to make billions

Will they be snippy?

What a lucky fella. Luckier than Lucky Larry Silverstein. Calling people in Parliament who questioned the efficacy of the injections after their health was damaged by the product 'anti-semitic' through a doozy cued up by Matt Hancock, the most loathed MP across the land? - I don't hate Matt Hancock or Rishi Sunak. I just want to look the Midazolam families in the eye when the gravity of what took place sinks in.

The bitter gourd irony is that ventilators are extraordinarily complex medical equipment technology that kill between a third to a half of all hospital patients depending on their age. That figure rises to nearly 100% for patients medicated with Midazolam and/or Remdesivir. The COVID hospitalization protocols were implemented and followed without exception worldwide by medcial professionals some of whom knew, and many of whom were just following orders which is why so many NHS nurses rebelled against mandatory COVID injections. They couldn't say what they knew without losing their jobs but they weren't going to inject themselves with a drop of COVID to train their bodies to reject the 'virus'.

That's why he's called Midazolam Matt. He ordered extra supplies of the drug and thus is provably complicit in the slow motion genocide which still has years if not generations to pan out due to the modified genetic properties of the mRNA injections which would ordinarily still be in medical trials today if they were traditional viral vector vaccines (that I have refused since my Yellow Fever shot since year 1999.

Every day more and more people are waking up to the deception. I am here to tell you it is not incompetence and so when that population rises in protest, it will be illegal, crushed with police violence using agent provocateurs and that's why the legislation needed to be changed through the Police and Crime Bill 

In one sentence: The fast tracked bill to jail people gluing their hands to the road while police looked on, were publicity stunts to change peaceful protests laws.

Everything has to be done with your free will.