Sunday 30 October 2022

The Clot Thickens

The pale clot structures are simply the wet blood clots laid out to dry and loosened free of the blood residue as they're so unusual morticians, phlebotomists and undertakers can only speculate what they're related to, with the number one suspect of graphene oxide/hydroxide in the injections. They are nano structures which are capable of self-assembly. There are a few TED talks on the subject.

I don't endorse the documentary maker of the clip embedded above. He's sharp but rose too quickly and his merchandise pitch is just another Alex Jones template. No good can emerge from it.

That said, I endorse all the content in the trailer specifically, and can corroborate everything that is said and more. Even the guy with his back to the camera. It's Dr Ryan Cole, MD Pathologist trained at The Mayo Clinic. You may recall I highlighted his conclusions on cancer-acceleration, boosted by contemporary therapies.

When a parent instructs a child on a course of action and is ignored, say three or six times, it's normal to assume the child is disobeying either purposefully or wilfully neglecting to prioritise.

...let's say you're in favour of the injections. You feel better in a world where Government, Big Pharma and Big-Budget-Media are sincere about their intentions towards your well-being. It's seductive, it's a-lot-less-bovver than hovering over a tricky subject, unsure and nervous of plunging into the logarithmic pain/information curve. 

I get that. You take care of your well-being as you see fit.

Logic says infants and children are uninformed. The consequences are irreversible. Don't expect the injected to be sympathetic in the future.