Monday 11 April 2011

Pulling Rank - Why Senior Enlisted Soldiers Matter

A long long time ago in a distant galaxy of Nordrheinwestphalen and Hessen I worked with the American military selling Harley Davidsons and American Cars. A likeable African American Sargent bought a Camaro through us and began planning a trip to 'London in Britain' as they often called it. As if to distinguish from London in Texas. He asked the route to take, and as the English Channel tunnel was in construction I pointed him towards Calais for the ferry. His faced looked non plussed about the car ferry. He slowly asked a question I've never forgotten 

'You mean there's water between France and England?'

I learned from this experience that a person who might be responsible for my life in a conflict zone could well be more dangerous than bullets. Some time later I was sitting at my desk and the light visibly dimmed. I looked up at the giant frame of South Carolina African American who was blocking the sunlight to the doorway of my office. He slowly drawled some car questions for me in the deepest voice I'd heard a human make.

We got to know each other a bit. He was a First Sargent, rank E8,  and one day he shared his American invasion of Grenada story. They called it a liberation of course though it was a British colony at that time. Thatcher had to shut her warmongering mouth because Reagan had secretly stitched up the Argentinians by helping us in the Falklands war. The usual reptilian code of conduct for the political classes. Fuck each other over till they need each other etc etc.

I never met an E8 (the highest ranked enlisted soldier) that I didn't like. Some were psychopaths but in a conflict zone a seasoned, intelligent psychopath is useful. E8s have an air of authority that experienced command of soldiers (and killing) gives a man. You feel their presence behind your back. Lower ranks don't fuck around with them, and officers are secretly intimidated by them.  They're the pinnacle of earned stripes. They are smart, tough and intimidating. They don't command the army. They run it.

At some point after one of the wars that First Sargent (E8) Bob Dean served in, he was transferred to NORAD in Paris. There he was exposed to information about UFO encounters that most Five Star Generals know nothing of. If information really is power then it's a logical proposition that information isn't shared. The full extent of contact isn't general knowledge even for presidents. Eisenhower however saw what was going on and observed that clusterfuck demonic groups in the Pentagon and Industrial elites were leveraging this information to form what he called in his farewell speech, The military industrial complex

Most people in that complex are unaware of this and just get on with drawing a salary facilitating the killing machine's unsurpassed ability to transfer wealth from us to a group of people who make the Wall Street masters of the Universe look like overworked wage slaves. It's the slickest and most powerful model of global wealth transfer to date. Take some time out to watch the video above and establish for yourself what it takes to move from being on the inside to telling a story that is at odds with everything that the accumulation machine stands for. A story that could only ever earn a man ridicule from those that most fear what his words have to say. Could it be that Bob Dean is more an enlightened individual than the enlisted soldier he once was?

Update: I have caught Bob Dean telling a pork pie (I believe) but as he's old and UFO disease is a known condition I'm going to assume his earlier whistle blowing is still truthful.