Showing posts with label big pharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label big pharma. Show all posts

Sunday 28 April 2024




Monday 18 December 2023

Right Here Right Now - Shaking Uncontrollably [Fatboy Slim - Praise You]

Fear of dying is a long term Roman Catholic mind control technique that pervades the pseudo Christian world to turn us into materialist 'he who dies with the most toys' is the winner robots. This is retarded and so if facing and fearing death, the Dimethyltryptamine in magic mushrooms (Psilocybin) is the best therapy. 

Also if suffering post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine (MDMA) commonly known as Ecstasy, is an empathogen–entactogen and that too is the best therapy. 

Millions of Palestinians are suffering and being traumatized (right here, right now) in a holocaust by the cowardly and obnoxious Israelis if  we bother to look at the Palestinian children shaking uncontrollably on social media videos despite the suppression by Musk and Zuckerberg et al. An empathogen–entactogen doesn't work till the trauma ends as it is a 'POST' traumatic therapy.

The 'Western' Allopathic medicine model is a scam well documented for those who bother to put 'Allopathic + Rockefeller' in a search engine. It's all there.

I mention this because I've requested two doctors at my surgery to spend ten minutes with the 2012 Bioethics Commission material before we have a candid  and complex conversation about what to do with any health conditions I have, and both have refused to do so, because they  are too frightened to know more about health. I can only conclude they know they're frauds and dishing out vaccines to children and infants with perfect immune systems for money money money. Disgusted with their reluctance to discuss child abuse through the Allopathic medicine model I've decided I'm going to write an affidavit and serve it to them. I did tell one of this intention over the phone. She was too busy refusing to know more about biology information to ask a single question of the multiple duty of care failures I was outlining to her.

These are just facts. Whether they suit us or otherwise.

Written without prejudice. All rights reserved.

Friday 3 February 2023

Pfizer Part Two - Injections Wrecking Fertility & Menstruation

More footage has been released of the Pfizer head honcho of research discussing the damage mRNA injections do to women's fertility and menstruation. What he doesn't mention that researchers know is that the spike proteins attach to male reproduction causing sterility.

The data confirms this. Excess deaths are up all over the world and birth rates are down.

A critical thinker would also ask what is happening in Africa where Convid injections were barely used.

The good news is pension funds can't afford to pay out, but with populations dying off quicker that problem disappears. I guess I owe the injected a thank you for relieving us of your burden.

Thursday 26 January 2023

Loose Lips Sink Ships

Nearly ten minutes of Jordan Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development - Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning, shooting his mouth off after a few drinks about Pfizer experimenting with gain of function research to find new virus mutations that make people sick at best and dead at worst.

I said CONVID is over back here, because what will terrify the mainstream legacy media is that millions if not soon to be, billions around the world are becoming open and receptive to off-piste information about 9/11 (Israel), the Shoah and Geoengineering (Chemtrails) and much much more. Vaccine holocaust denial should never be illegal, we have nothing to fear from ignorant people and they have everything to fear from their self terminating beliefs.

It does look like normie-land is in for a world of pain. It was touch and go for a few years with unprecedented censorship across all social media and legacy media self censoring while publishing endlessly trivial stories like "What kind of potato are you?", but the kind of people who indulge in distractions are paying for it with their injected lifestyles.

Ignorance is a lifestyle decision in the age of information.

A couple of tips for the outraged. Electric cars are awful for the environment and global warming/carbon reduction is a scam that only the timid and gutless could fall for. I'll be focusing on these a bit more for those who still don't know how to think critically.

We are the people who take receipts. We are the writers of history.

Friday 13 January 2023

Pfizer - Azz Escape

Senior Director of Worldwide Research @pfizer Vanessa Gelman responsible for orders to suppress info from the public about the companies use of foetal tissue in COVID-19 injections laboratory testing.

I don't think I've seen an azz that big move so quickly in my life. I wonder what she's hiding? Scratch that, I know what she's hiding and the information about foetal cell lines in vaccines is just one small thread of the most evil ingredients you could possibly imagine and I'm including deadly insect eggs, Roundup (glyphosate) and anything they want to sweep up off the floor and put in the vaccines. It will all come out in the future so no need to for me to persuade you how I learned the information.

Thursday 12 January 2023

Matt Hancock Crying About The Holocaust

If only Andrew Bridgen MP had made six trillion pounds out of the poisonous Moderna injections like Rishi Sunak through Theleme Hedge Fund has. That gravy train rolls on and will continue to make genocidal profits with their 600 billion pound mRNA factory being built in the UK. Would Andrew then be crying like Matt Hancock did live on TV, over the Pandemic wiping out more people than since William Shakespeare? Mr Bridgen is vaccine injured and on medication for life so there's that.

Yeah that's right, the first person scripted to be 'vaccinated' was called William Shakespeare (all the worlds a stage) and he died a few months after the jab from a stroke which is in the top three side effects. He was an old fella but we can't say the jabs saved his life or diminished the side effects of his death, so I think we can safely say it's an area of concern.

Andrew Bridgen MP spoke to an Israeli cardiologist who compared the injections as seen above, and when Andrew shared that information on twitter it gave the snouts in the big pharma trough an electric shock, as we all know who the concentration camp guards are in Westminster, Big Pharma and the legacy media.

However, Rabbi Alon Anava said it even better. I urge you to listen to him dropping red pills in the country that is going to be decimated the most from untested injections. That country is Israel. 

Tuesday 15 November 2022

Eye of the Pfizer


Dr Mike Yeadon was head of Scientific Research at Pfizer. They, and the FDA fought tooth and nail to keep their research findings secret for another 75 years, and when they failed, the documents were released with zero coverage from the media who are reliant on Big Pharma for advertising budgets. Ergo the vacant stares from the living dead who were distracted by yet another proxy war by NATO, in Ukraine.

Friday 21 October 2022

Dr Asseem Malhotra

Had the jabs himself yet has the courage to change his views when presented with new evidence.

Excess mortalities are up in quite a few places.

Tuesday 26 April 2022

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Ever Get The Feeling You've Been Had?

For those at the back of the class chugging on Big Pharma GovCorp™ MSM propaganda. The vaccines make you sick. The Vaccines make you sick. The vaccines make you sick.

Even more funny is that the normies will blame COVID. It's a cheap parlour trick. 

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc.

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Garbage In, Garbage Out - Why COVID-19 and Corona Testing Is Inadmissible Theory

Even if this was just a theory, there are endless examples of steroid-healthy-pharma profit & control being the only [noteworthy] drivers of Track & Trace/Medical-Passport, Free Vaccines-Forever and precursor of The Great Economic (Planned) Reset.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Conspiracy Theory (1997) | Mel Gibson & Julia Roberts

A Hollywood movie about conspiracy theories is pretty much the last format I've ever have considered taking seriously. However, despite the over the top, too-paranoid-to-take-seriously, and buffoon-clown behaviour of Mel Gibson there are a few nuggets. 

The first hint is when he talks about "they" or "them" as NASA, among others.

In 1997 very few people would have entertained NASA as a deep state player but we now know most of the visuals they pump out, if not all, are completely synthetic, and that they played a huge role in the industrialisation processes of mind-controlled victims through trauma-based dissociative techniques. The evidence is mainly testimonial (although disparate sources state the same details) and of course the connection between Operation Paperclip NASA and Mind Control Nazis is self-evident.

Most mind control is done through Hollywood and Corporate Media programming coupled with some dietary factors like fluoride addition, GMOs (OMGs) and Big Pharma. This is easy to see when observing people who would rather eat their own vomit than discuss reality.

However those who claim that MKULTRA and mind control programmes to create assassins and so forth are largely fictional/exaggerated, simply haven't done their homework. Presidents, Sports Stars, Spooks and Celebrities are reliably documented MKULTRA victims and even mentioned in the mainstream Hollywood narrative (if you know what you're looking for).

Many are used in Occult rituals for their genetic propensity to manifest demons, djinns or whatever vocabulary you prefer to describe non-orthodox entities.

The movie is also interesting because it confirms that the mind control techniques which used to be Secret Society intelligence, spilt over into the CIA, NASA and all the other sadistic poisonous groups that infect consumer society with events that most have no idea of how to explain. 

So it's factional mind control wars which is fairly logical if the researcher thinks it through, and Trump vs Clinton is a working example of this dynamic at some level.

Sunday 31 March 2013

The Constant Gardener - Big Pharma In Piss Poor Africa

I'm increasingly impressed with John Le Carre. I've been going back and downloading everything he wrote that was put on film including the TV series from the 80's. The Constant Gardener is a very savvy telling of how Big Pharma uses Africa as a testbed for drug testing or as the strap line for KDH Pharmaceutical puts it "The world is our clinic"

Conspiracy theorists might be interested in watching this movie because there are more than a few nods to Big Pharma creating global illness such as a new form of Tuberculosis and then providing the only drug that will work. I think the potential for this is far more realistic than the global depopulation ideas that I often come across though there is a room for both ideas to work together I guess.

The cast of The Constant Gardener were so moved by Africa when filming there that they set up a charity fund for the area it was filmed in. John Le Carre also wrote the following:

"Nobody in this story, and no outfit or corporation, thank God, is based upon an actual person or outfit in the real world, but I can tell you this, as my journey through the pharmaceutical jungle progressed, I came to realize that, by comparison with the reality, my story was as tame as a holiday postcard".