It took a week to download The Source Family through a torrent, but it was worth the wait. There's some crucial points in it not mentioned in the earlier presentation I posted. It's still a remarkable story and it's impossible not to find this information among the most interesting available.
Anyone seeking their way around the Knights Templar, Sufi Mysticism, Illuminati and Freemasons while also exploring sexual magic and tantra surrounded by some of the most interesting people of the time is worth exploring. Some of his disciples went on to become multimillionaires in software, stem cell research and of course a few are left bitter with their experiences ,but once again I can't spot any outside interference as we have seen from CIA shenanigans through the Jim Jones Massacre or Children of God.
There's a lot of symbolism in this documentary posted above, that I would ordinarily feel uncomfortable with, but like the photo with an infant covering Jim Baker's genitals it's self evident there's no dark side involved in the scene, though as I learned in this documentary Jim Baker had indeed done criminal acts before he became Father.
I love the way George "I served under Bill" Stephanopoulos comes across as a sadistic little cunt who wants to sell war to the fluoridated masses and Dennis Rodman comes across as cool as fuck. Let's not forget that the US has the largest slave force on the planet in its black persecution prison complex and tortures mammals around the planet in a war on terror that it is responsible for. George Stephanopoulos comes across as a whore. A mouthpiece of the corporate whore media. I have read his biography. He's a professional brown noser.
Comparative mythologist John Lash has a hard to dispute lesson that the ethics of Judaism and Christianity were savagely corrupt from the get go. His main point outlined in his best selling book 'Not in his image'is the insanity of salvationism. In other words the power of the idea (or meme) that we are born sinners and the path to salvation is through a messiah redeemer/redemption complex. It's a non human construct peddled by the servants of our outside interference problem. Lash isn't shy to point out that world events are being orchestrated and as we see Iran being provoked along religious and geopolitical lines it's impossible for the rational thinker who can see through the media propaganda lies to ignore the evidence for yet another uneccessary war being stirred up by very powerful groups who have no skin in the game. We learn once again that Jesus and Simon would have emerged from the Zadokites/Tzadikim, an ultra radical sect often known as the zealots who viewed themselves as the righteous ones and who to this day, right at this moment, are threatening Iran with war. This is the hideous danger of divine right to ascribe ones self to a group of people who are chosen. It is xenophobia in its purest form. John reminds us that Saul the bounty hunter (who became the St. Paul) under the protection and on behalf of the Roman empire infiltrated the radical and problematic Tzadikim through their induction ceremonies. Paul learned the secrets of the shadowy leader figure of this group of the name Melchizedek, and then turned against them establishing his own variant with the seeds of the Tzadikem sect present from the beginning. He takes care to point out that the Hebrews were no fans of the Zadikim due to their eventually suffering by being turfed out of the holy land by Titus who chose to throw the baby out with the bathwater rather than tackle the hidden virus. Lastly and most importantly John Lash is explicit that the worst variant of the Abrahamic faiths is Islam which has a virus that turns in on itself as we see with the war between Sunni and Shiite doctrines. Also we should never forget the oppressive nature of Islam towards women but in the end all the Abrahamic faiths are a virus on humanity. An off world idea easily planted by powers with technology to appear as Gods & Angels.
The first time I heard the word synchronicity I rolled it around a while as I kind of liked it but synchromysticism stuck to the wall like perfectly cooked pasta.Allan Abbedessa has written a book on the subject that I think is a useful contribution to the topic as it's less about didactic forms of what is this to you, and more about what is this to the 26 contributors. Synchromysticism is a more in depth interaction with life and it's a lot less harmful than joining the military and joystick piloting drone UAV's to drop bombs on Afghan weddings. The Blogtalk embeds are capricious so you might need to reload the page to play this excellent interview with Touchstone Tom (Malone) of Grok The Talk or just go to the page itself.
One of the challenges about the poorly named UFO phenomena is how quickly and extensively it spreads into every area of super woo phenomena. I got into it by targeting quantum mechanics and mysticism for personal study at the beginning of the year and every trail led to UFOs or aliens at some point . As I was studying mysticism, hermeticism and gnosticism I thought it couldn't be that much of a side path to take a fun stroll down.
And so it's important to say that I don't really find UFO's all that interesting. I find the possible occupants of these craft interesting and that interest doubled as I learned from the likes of Dr. Karla Turner and Niara Isley that the military has a close working relationship with, and is often performing the abductions to conduct experiments on people that are all about the genetics, the genetics, the genetics.
So it's easy to be misrepresented as to what I'm interested in but the reality is I'm the last to have cause to complain because I've been deceiving myself. All along I've drawn the line at Cryptozoology because it's one thing to be exploring popular culture mysteries that have a military industrial complex trail of evidence, but did I really want to be investing time in Bigfoot and The Mothman prophecies? They just seemed so lo-tech to me and it is this that unveils my cultural bias.
Well, it took a British Midlander's point of view to hold up a mirror to myself because even though I don't wish to pursue CZoology (look I can barely bring myself to spell it out) as a subject I now accept that it's all one big overlapping Venn diagram clusterfuck overlap of super woo Rorschach testing and exploring of the self. Synchromysticism cranks up around UFOs, and UFO's crank up around Cryptozoology sightings and so on and so forth. You get the picture.
Listening to Nick Redfern and the likes of Christopher Knowles and Mike Clelland of late I've had to accept that as much as I'd like to have nice neat lines of confusion the reality is I haven't got a clue what is going on with the multi dimensional and multiple tiered nuanced and highly contextual subject.
I guess I should have followed my own advice from the way back machine. Everything is contextual. The Trickster is at at play as authorChristopher O'Brien explains to a witless interviewer in this interview and as Nick carefully relates below where he says 'it's not that it's just weird, it's too weird'. I didn't want to be here but here I am anyway so I might as well just accept it. It's not cut and dried. Nothing ever is.
Update: Below Nick Redfern I've posted a two part Christopher O'Brien podcast interview on a similar subject though there's some interesting 2012 perspectives in there too and below that (hopefully) is Mike Clelland interviewing Christopher O'Brien on stalking the trickster.
John Lash is interviewed here by Red Ice Radio and takes us through the real meaning of the destruction of the mystery schools around the middle of the first millennium. He tackles the belief system of the Christians that he describes as psychotic salvationism, victim/perpetrator meme-pushers and pernicious redeemer-class peddlers.
I agree with that.
The mysteries were open to all people of every class from slaves to emperors. They were egalitarian and not even remotely connected to contemporary associations of illuminati manipulations. John elaborates at length how the mysteries are part of the solution for very contemporary problems when looked at as ancient ways to solve our challenges.
He also reminds us that Emperor Constantine was the most threadbare of Christians obliged to portray himself as one (much like George Bush) to codify the religion in order that the Roman military empire could subsume it. Christianity then ripped off the existing pagan ceremonies and symbols so that the people would react favourably. He talks about the emergence of Christianity originally from the Zadokite (or Zealots) cult (inspired by the shadowy figure of Melchizedek) and how the redemptive obsession of Christianity was totally antithetical to the sentiments of the day. Here he elaborates on how the messiah complex was a new and mind-like virus introduction to daily life.
Later John questions that if Christianity really espoused love of all men it would have been able to peacefully coexist with the existing Pagan and Mystery Schools. He describes the early Christian monks as storm troopers so fanatical they raged through the temples of Luxor and Memphis in Egypt to fanatically destroy the books and engage in cultural genocide. He posits that the reason we have lost our way in the world is because we have lost our vision and our purpose.