Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Saturday 7 January 2012

Outspoken Critic Of The Amerika Regime Suicided?

Joe Bodolai, Saturday Night Live writer of the above sketch was found dead in his motel room. Is he just another victim of the war on dissenting voices? I notice the mortality rate for the FOX drones always calling for more war with Iran seems to be extraordinarily low. The clip was dropped from back in the nineties and is spot on.

Friday 6 January 2012

John Lash: Gaia's Experiment & The Psychopathic Intra-Species Predator

"We still need to take the warrior position towards the predators and that is the signature and the proof that you are dedicated to the planet and to the sanity and beauty of human potential is that you take this warrior position".

John Lash

Friday 30 December 2011

Ben Breedlove's Parting Gift

Teenager Ben Breedlove died a couple of days ago, but not before sharing his near death experiences to Youtube. I've been quite lucky to learn as best as is possible to know that we're eternal specks of conciousness and that we incarnate on this planet to learn lessons that we chose to experience.

When Steve Jobs had his Oh Wow moment just before his death I knew exactly what he was referring to and I thought it was interesting that a very public death would give a hint that the cultural programming we've been bombarded by since the Council of Nicea (at least) is coming to an end because if you do the right research the scientific data is very supportive, the entheogenic experience was for me an epiphany, and most of all you should learn who knows this information, and why they don't want you to know that energetically you are infinite.

It's an extraordinarily valuable thing to learn that dying is nothing to fear because paradoxically we start living so much more fully. This information is well known in certain ancient and dark circles very well and it is one that very powerful players have had and continue to have a vested interest in keeping the unaware in the dark.

This information is reaching public conciousness right now through the likes of Steve Jobs and Ben Breedlove's million views so far on Youtube because as Bob Dylan sang.

The times, they are a changing.

It's up to you what you do with the information. 

Look at Ben's smile when he talks about the important bit of the experience. That's real.


Friday 2 December 2011

Nielsen Stats Confirm Death Of TV Not reported on TV

This is too funny. The death of TV is not being reported by TV (go figure) and also reinforces my point that the corporate media have a profit incentive in lying to people about food, health, politics and about those wars abroad.

Aaron Barnhart broke this news in the Kansas City Star using data that is six months old. Nobody serious has picked up on it including advertising planners it seems. Allow me to summarize the most beautiful trend in humanity.

The total number of U.S. households with TV sets declined year to year for the first time since Nielsen started counting TV ownership.

The number of households with no TV at all is at its highest level since 1975. Three percent of homes are TV-free.

Here are the graphs and chart's:

I put it to you that we live crucial times. That being informed by anything but a profit first, foremost, and last news media corporate entity, (like News International and Sky) is the difference between a healthy or a grossly distorted world view. 

Don't let TV or Newspapers paint your reality. Particularly the corporate media news. Read lots and widely on the internet. Disagree with people in the comments. At least you know you're not being spoon fed.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Oh Wow Oh Wow Oh Wow - Infinity (The Ultimate Trip)

My step-brother is dying and so when I watched Jay Weidner's documentary on the subject I tried to get my mother and particularly her husband who is barely able to sleep at night with worry to watch it. 

Jay Weidner made the documentary film called Infinity - The Ultimate Trip for his mother in order to answer some questions that are difficult to convey through just conversation. If there's a risk of someone dying or death is imminent it's a beautiful film for all ages and all people to see together or alone. I would say an important film, but let's keep the claims modest.

Unfortunately I failed in encouraging my step father to watch it as he's so upset that he can't bare to think of the subject unless it's framed within his own grief and so I'm no longer allowed to mention the matter in emails.

That's a tragedy because at worst there are little bits of unconsidered issues that the film gently opens up, and at best it's a way of weighing up (if one digs deeper into the matter) why we're infinite beings who chose to incarnate into a rather painful reality to learn lessons that are just another stage in an endless journey, that our culture has successfully sold us doesn't exist. 

It's like advertising. Our materialist society pummels people with messages contrary to wiser older cultures diminishing death to a meaningless process that is to be feared at all costs. I should add I learned all these lessons on an extraordinary DMT trip that showed me all this (and a lot more) but the film made me realise I it wasn't just an intellectual extra dimensional journey I undertook, but a download of information I couldn't possibly have invented on my own. Those of us who are acquainted with these topics were in agreement on hearing of Steve Jobs final exclamation "oh wow, oh wow, oh wow". We felt we knew exactly what had happened to him. Its a shame so few of us can share it without howls of protest from all sides.

The DVD can be purchased here.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

John Lash - Why Not Hunt The Killer Psychopaths?

I haven't thought this hard about the act of murder since reading Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. It's very provocative I need to go back and research ideas of free will and karma before I can make a broader conclusion but certainly on the face of it one should know if one is capable of killing. I am if the context is right such as if it's not personal.

It's a five hour 20 segment recording and I've been looping it for a few days.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Order From Chaos

The evidence so far is that the police killed Mark Duggan and lied about his gun shooting an officer. They ignored protesting crowds till they rioted and responded too slowly and meekly to retake control.

Order From Chaos (or Hegelian dialectic or divide and rule if you want more examples) is how you control populations. Create a problem, divided the people and then ride to the rescue with a solution that was always the original intent but would never be accepted in times of peace and prosperity.

The British Police are in on it. The Media are in on it and The Politicians are in on it. If the penny hasn't dropped now that our elites are completely venal snouts in the trough it's unlikely you ever will.

I'm appalled at the rioting, 

I'm appalled by Facebook comments like 'time to get Syrian' on the looters? 

Really. Torture and indiscriminate death squads? 

I tell you there are groups of people who benefit from division. 

They have an economic crisis on their hands created by London City (a private corporation) looters who clean out with a keyboard tap. Decades of  profit first  people second mismanagement has created a social class of near feral youth.

I'm think they are playing the public like a violin. It's orchestrated years in advance and heavy police handling has kept it from erupting till the time to distract people was needed.

The people who understand this least are the rioters and the 'hang 'em 'n shoot 'em' crowd. Both are worlds apart from each other because people in the middle can see we're all connected. The media aren't connecting the dots.

I know it's easier from another continent to see this but we had a hundred killed by Royal Thai Army sniper head-shots last year after a suspicious department store fire. 

Order from Chaos.

Order Ab Chao.

Monday 1 August 2011

Psychic Attacks & Self Defense - Robert Bruce, Greg Hunter


Coast 2 Coast audiences are sky-rocketing during this eclectic age of time folding in on itself like a recursive fractal. George Noory is one of the most seasoned radio host pros I listen to and from a wide range of alternative media. I skipped ahead to the main guest on this so if it's a bit boring to begin with click around till you hit on something that grabs your attention.

Thursday 16 December 2010


I had breakfast with my Thai Sister. We don't speak when I'm there. I try, but she prefers silence, so that's when I see the occasional ad with something going on, or as in this case, I caught sight of the screen image and was right by it in no time as the shots were still ringing out. Me incredulous. He did that didn't he. This is the real thing.

Its not nice, but I've uploaded it as I think too much of the dying process is cordoned off from us. Specifically the killing that takes place to protect our lifestyles. This clip too has been sanitised with the court officials being cropped out of it leaving their deaths to the imagination. Can I level with you? This is a no nonsense, matter of fact example of how banal  a killer  can be in their conduct. 

He begins with by spray painting a circle overlapped by a larger V. As if remixing V is for Vendetta and Anarchy. Then he explains who stays, and instructs the the women to leave. One of the women returns doing Disney cartoon tiptoing behind the gunman only to fail miserably at dislodging the gun. He's not phased at all by this unexpected event. 

Then we cut to the the best efforts of the court officials pleading they need to understand his motivation for their impending death, a sense of dragging it out longer than necessary emerges, the judge who actually signed the papers that led to this incident requests that everyone else be released.

I'm aware that in all this mess of man against whatever it is that the cultural complex leaves for so many, an incongruous relationship with something biological, and which pushes those on  the margins, sometimes over the edge. 

I'm touched that this still exists in our species, and that all is not lost. Not in one go anyway. 

The shots take place matter of factly. The judges slain where they work and if I recall correctly from the uncensored TV screen version the gunman makes a hopping movement at some point as if maybe a guard has finally arrived at the scene and tried to prevent what had already been committed to history.

The sobering effects of guns are acute. When the barrel direction is on you, suddenly the realisation that its our consciousness which is beyond value and that all those remaining worldly goods are trivial and useless to barter with or to plead for our lives.

 I feel bad about this event. Maybe it's dull with the cropped corpses. If the video provokes even minor changes in some lucky peoples priority of values, its worth the sickening feel it leaves behind.

Saturday 9 January 2010

How Great Thou Art

This work filmed in New York reminds me of a conversation I heard repeated recently between an American and a Pakistani sometime in the late 60's or early 70's I guess. The American, squashed in the back of the pedal powered cab  listened as the Pakistani driver said.

"You see, we here in Pakistan understand the problem. Progress he exclaimed! Progress is the problem".

It sounded funnier in audio but it touches on a some thoughts I've had recently and which I've no answer for. However this is the second piece of art in a week which gives me permission to hope that maybe our artists are emerging from an understandable but frustrating inertia of everything goes, compounded by never quite leaving when its time was up.

Too early to call but this work is not inconsequential is it?

The flip side of the progress coin is a dawn shot of New York that someone tweeted the other day, and which left me in no doubt of the city's prowess as the definitive skyline of progress. 

It's this that awes me about New York. On weird days the abstract creativity of Wall Street spits in my gravity cautioning face. But for the record. I'm anti gravity. 

Sort of.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Digital Necrophilia - I Like To Fork Myself

Now I think about it there's a lot of outstanding posts percolating in my head and which I've made rushed notes to in various places, though this is one post I feel like writing and which was originally sparked by some of the excellent conversations I had with Teflon John, before his Goldman Sachs girlfriend discovered I'm a Metrosexual Marxist. 

Well... (dot dot dot) I'm sure he's got a different perspective but as he was in the rest room during the chilly silence that descended before his return, I can only say that I was admirably unfazed by the inappropriate but not unique assertion of bi/curious sexual preferences that the monologue drifted onto after a long soliloquy on Goldman culture. But I think my conversation switcher of  'let's talk about me' may have closed the deal.

Unlike Goldman Sachs of Hyenaville, money isn't my main driver. Though I hasten to add I don't know if I'd be any better a pack dog if fate had slipped me into that alpha male club instead of the ability to write about it with a mixture of candour, humour and disgust. But we don't really know that stuff until we're in the context itself though having lost all my possessions and money recently I'm pretty happy with what I don't have as well as what I do. Which is a reality tunnel topic I'm dwelling on since discovering Robert Anton Wilson over at the Media squat through the increasingly funny and brilliant Douglas Rushkoff.

Anyways (as the Jamaican bad boys say): 

Digital Necrophilia. 

Like so many subjects in accelerated culture (and it's so fast I'm in my element) the early thinking has been superseded by this podcast I listened to and then followed by Neil's post on learning to forget which is quicker to read though I recommend you check out The Forum on BBC radio to listen to Victor Mayer-Schoenberger if you didn't attend the talk Neil did.

But the reason for resurrecting this topic is twofold. A few years ago I was asked to write a presentation about beauty on the net for Unilever regionally in Asia, and despite having 300 slides chopped down to a very primitive 150 I did pick up on some of the themes in blogging and internet culture including discovering Daul Kim's blog which I predicted would be a taste of the intimacy of reading into the lives of people who inhabit the trillion dollar beauty business. 

This has come back to haunt me like an Ave Maria curling round a cathedral choir during a requiem mass. 


She was seventeen ish when I discovered her blog, and died in Paris on Friday, at the age of 20. Here's her last blog post where she says 'hi to forever' with Jim River's "I go deep". One thing we had in common was our love of British minimal tech. See you on the other side Daul.

Sunday 2 September 2007

Oh Captain my Captain

Tim Footman is a writer based in Bangkok. One day through his blog roll I came across a link which I felt was something quite different. It was the blog of Brian, a 45 year old advertising copywriter and soon to be published author based in Donegal who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and only six to twelve months to live. I wrote about it here.

There is no happy ending in blogging I guess. I assumed that one day I would be thinking about Brian, realise he hadn't posted for a while, and that maybe there would be a slow but increasing sense of 'The End' parading as radio silence. This indeed happened early last month as Capt. Pancreas had gone quiet for a few weeks but then he reappeared with news of being in treatment. I guess there was no online access in the hospital.

Brian is responsible for coming up with the phrase "trying to squeeze the sweetness out of every second" and I just discovered he died on Friday.

He leaves a seven year old son, a wife and a bunch of people that never met him in real life but could feel his warmth and generosity.

O Captain my Captain
O Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You've fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

- Walt Whitman