Showing posts with label NDE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NDE. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Death - A Part of Life

Many of you know my mother is dying. There's a small chance a miracle could happen but sensibly speaking I just try to enjoy every minute I have with her.

I have noticed that many people I'm connected to through social media, are also going through a lot of grief, worry or bereavement connected to this subject and so I want to share some knowledge that may help.

I've found my past research into the Near Death Experience (NDE) subject as well as personal experience through entheogens have helped me to embrace a much more open minded view of the subject. Reality is a lot more vast than our sliver of electromagnetic frequency spectrum can convey.

Jay Weidner's 'Infinity - The Ultimate Trip" is a helpful documentary if you're struggling on this front. You can buy the movie here.

Friday, 30 December 2011

Ben Breedlove's Parting Gift

Teenager Ben Breedlove died a couple of days ago, but not before sharing his near death experiences to Youtube. I've been quite lucky to learn as best as is possible to know that we're eternal specks of conciousness and that we incarnate on this planet to learn lessons that we chose to experience.

When Steve Jobs had his Oh Wow moment just before his death I knew exactly what he was referring to and I thought it was interesting that a very public death would give a hint that the cultural programming we've been bombarded by since the Council of Nicea (at least) is coming to an end because if you do the right research the scientific data is very supportive, the entheogenic experience was for me an epiphany, and most of all you should learn who knows this information, and why they don't want you to know that energetically you are infinite.

It's an extraordinarily valuable thing to learn that dying is nothing to fear because paradoxically we start living so much more fully. This information is well known in certain ancient and dark circles very well and it is one that very powerful players have had and continue to have a vested interest in keeping the unaware in the dark.

This information is reaching public conciousness right now through the likes of Steve Jobs and Ben Breedlove's million views so far on Youtube because as Bob Dylan sang.

The times, they are a changing.

It's up to you what you do with the information. 

Look at Ben's smile when he talks about the important bit of the experience. That's real.


Saturday, 6 August 2011

How To Heal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Without PENTAGON™ Neck Injections Or Memory Wipes

Wired reports that the PENTAGON's war on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)  will try to combat the neurological damage through invasive drugs that erase memories for the military and through targeted neck injections for the Navy

Will mainstream media be bringing this story in between news flashes of McTerror burger 'threats' from Iran and Cuba any day soon?

In contrast, Dr Al Botkin above shares his experimentation with  holistic and non invasive rapid eye movement exercises (EMDR) to heal the same post traumatic stress disorder.  He accidentally discovered a way of inducing a type of near death experience (NDE) that he calls Induced After Death Communication (IADC) through this process. The results work but nobody quite knows why, however it has neurologically rewired the suffering of chronic victims such as traumatized soldiers from as long ago as the Vietnam war.

Regrettably the PENTAGON disavows touchy feely treatment preferring to use esoteric knowledge only when it can be applied to killing more people.

The IADC process for personal transformation is exciting because it's natural and requires no drugs or surgical intervention. Dr Allan Bolton has stumbled across something very exciting and in honour of his work, the Germans have opened the Alan Botkin Institute in Saarbrucken.