Showing posts with label united states. Show all posts
Showing posts with label united states. Show all posts

Friday 17 August 2012

Why Is The United States Funding & Training MEK Terrorists To Destabilize Iran?

This is a rip roaring heated discussion between three people about the MEK or Mujahedin-e Khalq. Glen Greenwald and the former State Dept guy make the guy from the Washington Institute look like the terror revisionist he is but in the end I say the easiest way to know if they're good or not is to see who supports MEK: Tom Ridge, Rudy Giuliani and John Bolton. These are the most venal money grubbing political snakes in the United States. It's not hard.

Since its creation in 1997 the US list of terrorist organisations has included the Iranian group, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).
"It is a criminal offence, a felony to have any transactions with this group, let alone to provide material support… if you coordinate advocacy on behalf of that group. There are lots of Muslims sitting in prison…for doing far less..."
- Glenn Greenwald, a journalist and former civil rights lawyer
The group's supporters say they are Iran's democratic opposition, working for a nuclear-free Iran. But critics argue they have a violent history that dates back to the overthrow of Shah Reza Pahlavi.

Most members of the group now live in an Iraqi refugee camp.

Unlike other designated terrorist organisations, the MEK enjoys the support of many high-profile US officials, including Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor; John Bolton, the former US envoy to the UN; James Woolsey, the former CIA director; and Tom Ridge, the former secretary of Homeland Security.

They have travelled around the US and the world, giving speeches advocating the MEK's removal from the US terrorist list.

Below are excerpts from some of the speeches:

Tom Ridge: "They do not belong on the list. They're not a terrorist organisation. Take them off the list".

John Bolton: "I don't think that organisations should be put on that list for political purposes as the MEK was in 1997. I don't think organisations should be kept on that list as the MEK was in 2008 for political purposes. I think the facts should be allowed to fall where they may."

Rudy Giuliani: "We will stand up for them, we are with them as if we are in that camp with them today. Whatever they do to them, they do to us."
"The treasury should get to the bottom of finding out where the money is coming from. If this is being done in coordination with the MEK, a crime has been committed then somebody ought to be convicted...but I don't know if that's the case [here]."
- Patrick Clawson, Iran analyst at the Washington Institute
Now the US Treasury Department has launched an inquiry into whether these officials are being paid by the MEK to speak, which would be a violation of US laws.
So why are so many high-ranking US politicians and former officials openly backing the MEK despite their designation as a terrorist group?
Is it even legal? And why has it taken so long for the US government to ask the same question?

Joining Inside Story Americas with Lisa Fletcher to discuss this are: Glenn Greenwald, a journalist and former civil rights lawyer; Reza Marashi, the research director at the National Iranian American Council; and Patrick Clawson, the research director and Iran analyst at the Washington Institute.

"When the MEK was put on the terrorist list in 1997 by Martin Indyk he said in his book 'we decided to put the MEK as a designated terrorist organisation not because they were pro- or anti-American but because they were [one] without a shadow of a doubt...'" Reza Marashi, research director at the National Iranian American Council

Who is MEK?
  • Founded in 1965 by Islamic-Marxist students, the group helped to overthrow the Iranian government in 1979, prompting a clampdown following the revolution.
  • Many members are refugees in both Iraq and France.
  • Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi leader, used them for attacks against Iran and the Kurds.
  • The US disarmed them following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which the MEK agreed to in exchange for protection.
  • The US turned over MEK refugees to the Iraqi government in 2011.
  • The group's leaders continue to live and operate in France.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Conversations With John Judge - Part One

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but it does allow me to assess the quality of a man's thinking. Last night I listened to a mid eighties John Judge talk on Iran Contra and time after time after time he was not only way ahead of the pack but bang on the money. 

John Judge's mother worked in the Pentagon for DoD at a very senior level and has a great understanding of how the owners run the United States. I only disagreed with him on two points. My information tells me the 47000 deaths in the Vietnam war was adjusted to fit the projections his mother made. I also think he's inexplicably erroneous on whatever hit the Pentagon on 9/11. It was not a human guided plane. 

Other than that he's a very clever and shrewd observer of how things work.

Like me John thinks political parties have wrecked the democratic process.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Mr. Hoover and I: A film by Emile de Antonio

Punctuated by breadmaking with John Cage and a hair cut from his wife. Powerful commentary on John Edgar Hoover America and so very relevant today.

Emile Francisco de Antonio

Emile Francisco de Antonio (May 14, 1919 -- December 16, 1989) was an American director and producer of documentary films, usually detailing political or social events circa 1960s--1980s. He has been referred to by scholars and critics alike, and arguably remains, "...the most important political filmmaker in the United States during the Cold War."

Emile is quite buttoned down but at the end of the interview he wells up a bit and tells the interviewers he feels he's among friends. He died a couple of weeks later.

de Antonio was born in 1919 in in the coal-mining town of Scranton, Pennsylvania. His father, Emilio de Antonio, an Italian immigrant, fostered the lifelong interests of Antonio by passing on his own love for philosophy, classical literature, history and the arts. Although his intelligence allowed him the privilege of attended Harvard University alongside future-president John F. Kennedy, he was also familiar with the working class experience, making his living at various points in his life as a peddler, a book editor, and the captain of a river barge (among other duties).

After serving in the military during World War II as a bomber pilot, de Antonio returned to the United States where he frequented the art crowd, often associating with such Pop artists as Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, and Andy Warhol, in whose film Drink de Antonio appears. Warhol was famously quoted praising de Antonio with the words, "Everything I learned about painting, I learned from De."

The book Necessary Illusions (1989) by Noam Chomsky and the documentary Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992) by Mark Achbar and Peter Wintonick are dedicated to Emile de Antonio.

Filmography Point of Order (1964) McCarthy: Death of a Witch Hunter (1964) Rush to Judgment (1967) America Is Hard to See (1968) In the Year of the Pig (1968) Charge and Countercharge (1969) Millhouse: A White Comedy (1971) Painters Painting (1972) Underground (1976) In The King of Prussia (1982) Mr. Hoover and I (1989)

Brennan On Yemen At The Council On Foreign Relations

I've been wanting to check out US counter terrorism expert John Brennan for a while and this is the perfect environment as I got the impression he's a bit of a potato and that kind of pressure shows in the pseduo intellectual environment of the CFR.

In a nutshell he's so unsure of why the U.S. is in Yemen killing American citizens that he needs to read a prepared speech that glosses over where the money is going other than drone executions. He reads it too quick and too functionally stumbling over the odd word even though it's chock full of the usual bullshit platitudes such as 'partners with Yemen for success' and so forth.

There's some interesting insights into the Saudi, US axis of drone executions in the middle East relationship but ultimately the U.S. is run by people who haven't figured out that AQAP (Al Qaida) simply turn up wherever the US is. An interesting thought given the home game is falling apart.

In the previous documentary I posted there's more concrete information like Yemen troops shooting at a teenage girls' burial and the near mutiny of Yemen troops due to corruption in the military leadership. When will the US ever learn?

Too much ego to really absorb the lessons everyone else can see.

Friday 3 August 2012

The Panama Deception - George Bush, The CIA & Drugs For Arms

Russ Baker has written a wonderful biography of the Bush family and discovered that George H.W. Bush was on record as denying he knew his whereabouts on the day of JFK's assassination. This is odd because not only do we have records of his location in Texas on the day, but we also have photographic evidence. 

Furthermore we know he was on the books working for the CIA long before he was made director of the Agency before becoming vice president and then nearly president when Reagan was nearly assassinated by a chap called Hinckley who was connected to the Bush family. 

Lot's of coincidences huh? CIA connections to JFK's assassination are too extensive to list here.

However, this documentary is about more pedestrian affairs. Manuel Noriega was on the CIA books and when Bush took over him as an asset he increased his pay to 100 000 dollars a year while turning a blind eye to his Iran contra drug dealing for arms. This is all documented and pretty much par for the course for the Bush family and as you may learn from this excellent documentary that links Noriega to Ollie North, Poindexter and William Casey

The subsequent invasion of Panama by the United States under the pretense of stopping Noriega's drug dealing is just one of those eyebrow raising deceptions and twists of truth the U.S. has an Olympian track record of doing.

The Panama Deception is an excellent introduction to American meddling in South America if only for its self-evident treachery and double standards. 

It doesn't get more obvious.

Chalmers Johnson - The Republic Has Crossed The Rubicon

The late Chalmers Johnson points out that Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex speech was meant to be Military Industrial Congressional Complex but he was advised it would be too incendiary. I love the smell of broken republic in the morning. Then we can move on.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

5 1/2 Hours of U.S. International Drug & Arms Dealing Testimony

In 1986 the United States of America's government and military were privately falling over themselves to sell arms to Iran despite publicly portraying Iranians as terrorists. The profits from this very typical, concealed American business transaction were fed into Nicaraguan rebels/terrorists called the Contras because the US has never tolerated democratically elected socialism in any country it can usurp. However the profits from arms to Iran wasn't quite sufficient so the Nicaraguan rebels/terrorists also supplied Cocaine to in exchange for arms using the CIA. Publicly, Ronald Reagan looked gravely into the TV cameras and declared a war on drugs.

The entire business between the US, Iran and Nicaraguan Rebels/Terrorists was overseen by the Government, the CIA and the the Military but most importantly, because the average American  can't digest the scale of corruption in the U.S, it involved George Bush Sr. who ran the CIA and was later Vice President, and a young governor of Arkansas called William Clinton who protected a small airport in his state called Mena, be used to smuggle the drugs. In one incident two young men out hunting saw a drug drop and the local police killed them and put their bodies across a train track to be run over. They blamed it on the marijuana the boys had been smoking.

It takes a willful block headedness to refuse to accept that at a certain level in politics, they're all in it together. They know how to skirmish on trivial issues to keep the attention diverted from the profits they make. That's how divide and rule works. Anyone divided on political issues or party politics is a chump. Me too once upon a time but not any longer.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

John R. Stockwell - CIA Whistleblower

Only a handful of brave individuals have had the patriotism and courage to tell the American people what they don't want to know. John Stockwell is thoughtful, caring and candid enough to admit he stayed in the CIA for too long because he enjoyed being a feudal lord in a foreign country. In this instance he was station chief in Angola when things were kicking off there in the 70's. This is an excellent couple of hours research into the CIA, Africa, political corruption and the lowest end of the espionage business where thousands or even millions of deaths is just business for the United States of Holocaust deniers.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Breaking The North Korean Mind Control of The USA Media - HBO's The Newsroom

There's a seed of something unusual (and possibly divine) in the USA but its just a seed. It's not yet a sapling nor a tree, because if we really dig into the history of the US it has been raping the non European world and inflicting death, destruction and misery through force of arms and propping up its pampered peoples with a media lie that its prosperity comes from only hard work and innovation. Yes they are part of the story but nowhere near the whole picture.

As the smash hit new HBO series The Newsroom articulates. The first step in solving a problem is recognising there is one.

I put it to you that if you need HBO to tell you that you're never going to realise what the real problem is. Just a hunch. It's a nice scene but it stinks of worthy sentimentality that entertainment or a flickering screen is the way out of this mess. Throw your TV out.

Friday 13 July 2012

The United States Of Holocaust Deniers

Holocaust in Korea:

3 million(including 2 million civilians) killed denying Koreans repatriation of THEIR country.

2,854,000 (Britannica)
2,889,000 (Eckhardt)
3,000,000 (D. Smith)
3,062,000 (Rummel)
3,500,000 (Lewy, incl. 2-3M civilians)


The US Holocaust in Vietnam:

3.5 million slaughtered upholding Pro-Western dictator in Vietnam, under the pretext of Ho Chi Minh being an 'agent of Moscow'.

Estimates of CIVILLIAN casualties Vietnam War alone:

2,058,000 (Eckhardt)
2,163,000 (Britannica)
2,500,000 (Grenville)
3,000,000 (Chomsky)
3,100,000 (Tucker)

South Vietnam military:

224,000 (Kutler, Olson)
250,000 (Clodfelter, Grenville)
650,000 (Small & Singer)

N.Vietnamese Military (including NFL):

900,000 (Britannica; Grenville)
1,000,000 (Clodfelter)
1,100,000 (Tucker)


The US Holocaust in Cambodia:

1 million slaughtered during US bombing of Cambodia & Laos (prior to Pol Pot's bloody revenge on the Capitalist-Sympathisers).


500,000 (Independent Finnish Study; Kapuchea: A decade of Genocide),


70,000 (Rummel),
200,000 (Martin Stuart-Fox A History of Laos),
250,000 (Wallechinsky),


The Indonesian Holocaust:

1 million slaughtered opening Indonesia to Western business by US client dictator Suharto.

500,000 (D.Smith)
509,000 (Rummel)
600,000 (Chomsky)
3-600,000 (Hartman)
750,000 (CDI)
300,000-1 Million (Encarta)

"In terms of the numbers killed, the murders rank as one of the worst in 20th Century history" - CIA Intelligence report: Indonesia 1965.

For sources evidencing CIA & MI6 complicity in Suharto's slaughter:

In an article entitled; "Ex-agents say CIA compiled death lists for Indonesians" which appeared in the San Francisco Examiner on May 20, 1990, 1990, and the Boston Globe on May 23, 1990 Journalist Kathy Kadane explained (following a series of interviews with former US officials);

"They systematically compiled comprehensive lists of communist operatives. As many as 5,000 names were furnished to the Indonesian Army and the Americans later checked off the names of those who had been killed of captured.'

She quoted US diplomat Robert J Martens who said during an interview; "It was a big help to the army. They probably killed a lot of people & I probably have a lot of blood on my hands."

Deputy CIA station chief in Indonesia Joseph Lazarsky told her: "We were getting a good account in Jakarta of who was being picked up...the army had a shooting list of about 4,000 or 5,000 people...We knew what they were doing."

The same article appeared in the Washington Post on May 21 1990 titled: "U.S. Officials' Lists Aided Indonesian Bloodbath in '60s".

An admission of - albeit it only indirect - complicity from the CIA's website in a partially declassified document called "The Lessons of the September 30 Affair":

"...our decision to commit American troops in that country...stiffened the backbones of the Indonesian officer corps...for them to crush their own Communist threat in a "massacre" which took the lives of some 350,000 or more party members at no cost to the United States."


Suharto's US backed invasion of East Timor:

150,000 (Rummel)
150,000 (CDI)
250,000 (FAS 2000)


Holocaust in Latin America:

2-300,000 in US suppression of democracy in Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile etc.


Holocaust in Iraq:

100,000 plus Kurds killed supporting Saddam's gassings with US chemical precursor exports, agri-credits for crop loss, initial cover up of Halabja.

(See my previous video for links to sources of US/UK complicity in Saddam's gassings).

1.3 million killed in US led Iraqi sanctions (including deaths of 500,000 children).

1 million killed in current invasion & installation of pro-Western puppet government in Iraq, incorporating media denial of resistance fighters & the fueling of sectarian violence in a blatant divide & conquer strategy.

Current Iraq Invasion: 

654,965 (John Hopkins, Lancet) 6/2006. 
1,033,000 (ORB) as of 8/2007. 


The Native America Holocaust:

30 million Native Americans slaughtered in the original 'discovery' (invasion) of the Americas.

13,778,000 (Rummel)
30,000,000 (Aletheia)
30-90,000,000 (Chomsky)
100,000,000 (Stannard

On Feb 7 1955, The Supreme Court entered it's opinion in the case of Tee-Hit-Ton v. US asserting that the US holds title to American Indian territory by 'right of conquest'.

Update: The original Youtube video was censored and removed. I found an alternative on a Korean video site.

Monday 5 March 2012

The Empire Always Feeds Off The Republic (The Parasite Is Killing The Host)

A calm, thoughtful discussion between two decent Americans. I learned a few things from this I'd not come across before.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Messiah Complex by Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan is the latest incarnation in a notable line up of American comedians including George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor and Bill Hicks who are to my mind Americans of the noblest pedigree. 

I've never heard his comedy work which is odd, because his opinions on topics as diverse as flotation tanks, Hegelian Dialectic (the Messiah complex), the military industrial complex and DMT are cogent, thoughtful and sensitive to the plight of humans. Too quote Timothy Leary on Terence McKenna "it takes fucking guts" to stand up and criticize the machine and if there's one hallmark of the educated and aware 21st century American it's his or her silent compliance.

The Messiah complex is partly explained by the pain of living in the duality of an illusory 3 dimensions plus a fourth of time. It's about the  dual nature of maintaining balance between polarities of left versus right, man versus woman, hot against cold, love or loneliness and so on and so forth. We chose to incarnate in this time and yet it hurts enough to numb ourselves off from the plight of others even though naturally enough on a groaning planet we yearn as a species for honourable and enlightened leadership. 

Well the United States hasn't had that since Eisenhower who warned ya'll that it's just business and that the government is no more difficult to control than the workers it hires. It's just nonsense to think you have to choose a side when both sides are rigged. The only side to choose is yours and to abstain from the game in future. They shot the next president (Kennedy) who came in and was the last to try and change the system. The rest have been shoe ins since then with possible exceptions that we're gamed to fail to provoke a lurch towards a greedy trickle down society when any thinker knows it's trickle up economics. We create the wealth not mercantilist families jerking the strings of power and thriving profitably from war.

There may well be a slim chance that Obama is playing the longest hand of poker in history but until we have the evidence for that, we should reserve our judgement until the final results are in and never again put more trust in others than we would place in ourselves. In any case, Joe Rogan. One of a handful of people who aims straight.

Is the USS Enterprise The Sacrificial Lamb To False Flag Attack Iran?

All of the red areas dots are US military bases surrounding the country of Iran who have never invaded any country in their history. They are being subjected to terrorist attacks on their nuclear energy scientists which is the only energy alternative they have to oil dependence. Iran is being pummelled with trade sanctions against fictitious weapons of mass delusion while the corporate for-war-profit media brainwashes the Western consumer into believing they are yet another threat in the long line of toxic perpetual war machine victims.

The USS Enterprise looks very high up the list for another false flag Gulf of Tonkin or USS Liberty. We're on to this game, we know how it works and the eyes of the world are on the gangsters who run these sick games.

Update: Clif High's Web Bots are saying a similar story. As long as we shout early enough, loud enough and long enough this wont become part of our timeline. We have free will and our future is not set. We control our future.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Lessons The Coming American Revolution Can Learn From The Bolsheviks Co-opting The Menshiviks

Unfortunately John Lash who is on fire at the beginning of this interview is interrupted with a ten minute plug that would put QVC to shame and he never quite gets his momentum  back to the point where he was teaching us the occult roots of the Russian revolution and the counter revolutionary moves by Lenin and Trotsky as we learn of Edmund Wilson's To The Finland Station and a bunch of other recommendations that he never gets a chance to repeat as he usually does when he frames ideas such as America currently mirroring the history of the Russian revolution. An idea that Terence McKenna articulated as Rome fall five times a day.

John Lash's magic as one of our global elders/wise men is diminished by rushing him, interrupting him and adding superfluous commentary. There are few speakers of his calibre and every word of is golden goodness when he is in the flow. 

John claims we need a narrative to rally round in order to succeed in throwing off our central banker criminals and I think that process needs to be completely organic. No more hierarchy. Decentralised decision making is the future.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Seminal Project Camelot Interviews - Bill Ryan: The Anglo Saxon Mission

The UK, Israel and the United States are cranking up the bullying of Iran in the Straits of Hormuz. In response Russian warships are parked in Syrian ports and weasels like Geithner are calling on China to withdraw support for Persia showing that treasury now has the authority in disputes not the Pentagon.

It's a good time to revisit the Anglo Saxon Mission material which a few years ago forecast (as it's all rigged) that a nuclear exchange between Iran and the Anglo Saxons will take place, then a ceasefire, followed by Avian Influenza unleashed on China. You judge for yourself.

Monday 28 November 2011

United Nations & Anglo-American Axis Crank Up The Propaganda

The West is cranking up the war machine for the second time this year and using the same 'humanitarian' reasoning it did for Libya. Yet again the hypocrisy of the perpetual war machine brain washes the masses into forgetting the body count for NATO war crimes is the largest this century by millions.

Please take a chance to look at what our cowardly Royal Airforce bombs did in Tripoli and Sirte before you go back to your corporate sponsored diet of X Factor and Footy. 

Update: Original video (1st one) removed.

Friday 25 November 2011

Senator Mike Gravel - Amerika - A War Hungry Drunk

Only a handful of brave Americans brave enough to speak up as the U.S. descends into fascism. Go back to sleep Amerika. Consume your way out of the hole.

Mona Eltahawy - Tweeting With Broken Arms

Not just brave of Mona for reporting from Tahrir square but super courageous of her to give a report to CNN complete with broken arms and post sexual assault jangled nerves. Following her on Twitter was a real time listening experience of a friend in mortal danger.

The United States is still funding three Billion dollars a year to the corrupt Egyptian Generals to spend on Pentagonal/Petagram killing machines. Follow the money people. All the way to the Federal Reserve. Time to wake up.