Showing posts with label alex jones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alex jones. Show all posts

Monday 11 December 2023

The Conmen Are Coagulating

It's inevitable that people who are beginning to learn the basics about controlled opposition, are still massively vulnerable to the Sons of Light vs Sons of Darkness dialectic. No it's not controlled opposition. It's infinitely more subtle and bloodlines get to play different sides of the role-playing through the generations.

Alex Jones and I, as well as Elon agree on far more than any normie is willing to say publicly. However both push the fossil fuel fakery and climate scam as well as technocracy. I listened yesterday to Alex proselytise  how he's 'read all the science' on transhumanism and it's all good for humans.

Alex. STFU. You don't know what an isotope is and you're on Elon's dime now ya meathead. Also listen to the video embed above for a 180 degree turn and then below.

The people playing or acting out the role of the good guys so far are Elon, Tuckz, Alex Jones, Vivek Ramaswamy, Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate  and Russell Brand who may be the first to play both roles - Ask him about climate change. I will add more as time goes on but the one way to identify them and others is they have to peddle the fossil fuel fakery and net zero climate scam as well as transhumanism (Neuralink)

Here is Jones saying the opposite of the above and spewing obnoxious lies and hate speech.. Israel did 911. Alex knows that and can now not say it which is lamentable at best.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Blaming Socialism for Venezuela's Problems is for Simpletons

Venezuelan media Telesur has been scrubbed from Facebook and Search Engines along with conspiracy theorist douchebag Alex Jones (who still has first amendment rights). The left will only realise what censorship means when it is aimed at them and it didn't take that long in Venezuela.

While I no longer identify with any (left/right) ideology that doesn't tackle which private interests print money and lend to government while charging interest (through taxation), I cannot in good conscience listen to the the capitalist vultures blaming socialism for all of Venezuela's ills.

I have long nuanced positions on public vs private money implementation/investment, and each case is contextual.  I have however been forced to recognise the final outcome of letting groupthink permit a ruling elite to spend the proletariat's money for them.

That has resulted in the genocide of hundreds of millions in China and the USSR and indeed around the world.

Only an unconscionable person would sweep that under the carpet.

Monday 14 May 2018

Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones Outed by Q

It's a great comfort that Q indirectly called out the parasite alt-media shills Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi.

I judge people on whether they have the correct enemies, and in this respect Q has blown the scum off the pond water with minimal effort.

Now we have to get back to work.

Monday 9 October 2017

Why Does Paul Joseph Watson Behave Like A Blackmailed Paedophile?

Las Vegas had multiple shooters. This video is the definitive explanation which leaves the question: Why do people like Paul Joseph Watson and Ed Opperman peddle mainstream media narratives? Thanks to Sean at SGT report for making this unambiguous.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Steve Pieczenik Schools Alex Jones

Alex Jones is discredited within the truth seeking community for dispensing with 9/11 truth to shill for Donald Trump. He has been told of Israel's considerable role in 9/11 by Steve Pieczenik, and now prefers to focus on anything but what really happened to bring us to this point in time. Pieczenik is not my favourite CFR member so I have no attachment to him in particular but from time to time he does say the uncomfortable truth and here we see him remind Alex that Trump cranking up the war machine in Afghanistan is another example of political and military cowardice in action.

Until people are prepared to join the dots up and call out 9/11 for the obnoxious lie it is then nothing gets fixed, and I am hearing the silence of the left and right on this for over a decade now because unless people are talking about it, they are moral cowards.

Monday 26 December 2016

Alex Jones Bites The Pillow and Serves His Controllers

I'm not entirely convinced that the PizzaGate codewords are referring to a child abuse network though it is fairly common in the circles of power. I am sure that the Instagram comments that were on James Alefantis photos of children are referring to child abuse and at best are wholly inappropriate for a child friendly pizza restaurant owner (who is the 49th most powerful D.C. insider for reasons nobody can explain).

Here we see Alex Jones getting his pants pulled down and thoroughly spanked by some douchebag paedophile defender

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Ha Ha Ha - 15 Years Later, Alex Jones 'Learns' Israel Did 9/11

This is a seminal moment in history. The shill Alex Jones, is told who the architects of 9/11 were. 


Update: Original video removed.

Monday 28 September 2015

Bill Hicks Being Murdered Long After He Died

Earlier this month I listened to Jay Weidner support the claim that Bill Hicks is now a deep cover Alex Jones. This is a good reason not to trust his information any more but it may be the case he is under pressure to be a disinformation agent. He is still not trustworthy or reliable. but we can enjoy his earlier work where he spoke up on important things.

Thursday 7 May 2015

The Boston Bombing Bamboozle

Must be nice to be a memory wipe. All those news features of the day safely tucked away in a place that has no need to be disturbed ever again. This Boston Bomb piece by Alex Jones calmly and irrevocably destroys the public myth that a couple of young lads were behind it.

I urge you to refresh the memory if knowing the difference between right and wrong appeals to you.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Alex Jones Interviews Michael Hoffman

This is before Alex Jones was censored on which subjects he can talk about by I presume, the Jewish Lobby. It's very instructive because I thought he never talked about these subjects as he has a Jewish wife. Clearly I was wrong on that point.

Alex still interrupts and has a rampant ego throughout the interview. 

It's almost embarrassing. Actually it is embarrassing and is tortuous self promotion.

This is excellent information though on Talmudic indoctrination of Jewish children.

Something that has to stop for the sake of the Palestinians.

Monday 7 October 2013

The Conciousness Awakening With Russell Brand - Interviewer Alex Jones

One of the great things about being plugged into the wider conciousness is listening to people you like and enjoy articulate exactly the same things you believe and feel even though we've never met, we don't follow each other and yet have extraordinarily similar values.

This isn't about blogging only about work related issues, or things that make money. 

This is about talking about what matters

I use this outlet to raise the danger of a lot of dark political issues going on behind the scenes. These are topics that the corporate media whitewash out for the inattentive, but in reality I'm passionate about the things Russell Brand talks about in this remarkable interview, with an incongruous inquisitor of Alex Jones who I have both praised and criticized here.

Monday 23 September 2013

George Galloway Vs Israeli Nutter

Spot the self obsessed psychopath Israeli General with no remorse, no shame and everything to lose. They just tell lie after lie after lie. George nails him to the wall but he really needs to get his history of false flags together, stop denying 9/11 and read Gangs and Counter-gangs by Major Frank Kitson. It's not a secret and is even name checked in great British dramas.

I've noticed George is called a conspiracy theorist after his Alex Jones interview. He needs to learn to call the 1 million dead on fake WMD's in Iraq the largest conspiracy theory ever perpetrated.

Saturday 27 April 2013

I've Criticised Alex Jones But He Is Decimating The Corporate Hollywood News Media

This is history being made. It's a real privilege to have a ringside seat because a lot of programmed people are intimidated to check out reality reversal information. Nobody has been a bigger critic of Alex than I. If he hadn't lost the plot on Piers Morgan he would have even millions more than are currently flocking to this information.

It's time to cease being silent. Watch the video. If you agree, speak up. It's no time to let comrades fall.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Is Alex Jones - A Face In The Crowd?

I was hoping to see more scheming psychopathy in this movie and although "Lonesome Rhodes" brilliantly played by Andy Griffiths is a lunatic at the end I do remember that he uses his first TV performance to raise money for a homeless black woman when just bringing a black person onto TV was daring.

Other than this point? Yeah. Lonesome Rhodes is an Alex Jones figure though in my book Alex Jones would snitch and smear a friend in a heartbeat. I'm disgusted how he betrayed David Icke on Jesse Ventura over the most important subject we find the powerful try hardest to smear and cloak with the ridicule curtain.

The confluence of politics, celebrity, media and advertising is powerfully explored in this movie. Well worth downloading.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Alex Jones? Problem Solved.

You all know my views that Alex Jones has done more damage to liberty and freedom than any other American on the subject of guns. Right now he's starring in a movie where he is being hunted from State to State on his way back to Austin Texas where he broadcasts top quality fear porn.

I will say this for Alex. He's the only human who could talk about building 7 on international television and make it the least interesting point. The last time Alex threw a fit that disgusted me I wrote about it over here.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Yesterday I Wished For Alex Jones' Downfall - Today He Delivered

Personally I think it's so over the top he's doing it to undermine his followers who will never be taken seriously again. You may disagree in which case you may identify with his ultra Zionist support of apartheid in Israel.

You know what? Maybe I'm wrong. 

Maybe intelligent beings decided it was time to show Alex for the clown he is.

Alex Jones Gets Taken To The Wood Shed

2013 Is a great year to persuade Alex Jones followers that the Illuminati are a waste of time and that we need to name the names such as the Zionist Neocons still waging war in Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Mali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and next Iran, Russia and finally China. 

They simply wont stop and we need to point out who these warmongers are like Ed Husain, Elliot Abrams and Max Boot at the Council on Foreign Relations. It's really easy to find the people who are turning our planet into a 24/7 open air surveillance camp and war zone. They write articles month in and month out in their publications for Foreign Policy, CFR, Brookings Institute, Charter House, Crisis Group and all the other war mongers parading as think tanks also  often found working in the CIA and State Department.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Powerful Political Paedophile Rings In The UK

It's hard for many people to grasp that the gatekeepers of British and American politics in Parliament and Congress are most interested in political power seekers who can be put into situations where they are engaging in blackmailable sexual situations before they come to power and not know they are being filmed and photographed. 

This is well documented by those who are familiar with the Franklin Scandal, Sandusky, Ted Heath and Jimmy Savile records as an example but it still takes some getting used to that friendly faced Ken Clarke may have given the keys to Broadmoor to Savile because they both took care of each other over children or that Ted Heath signed the UK into the common market over his fondness for picking up boys at Haute de la Garenne through Jimmy Savile to take on board his yacht for a 'weekend of sailing'. I'm even persuaded that Tony Blair took the UK to war to prevent a paedophile scandal smashing his cabinet up from the Operation Ore findings, and which he issued a D Notice to cover.

I feel it's the responsibility of adults to face up to this wickedness and find a solution to the suffering being inflicted on thousands if not hundreds of thousands of children in the UK alone. Pretending it doesn't exist is cowardly and feeds the political paedo power elite.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Was The US Consul Attack In Benghazi A Conflict Between State Dept & CIA?

Seems to me the internal conflict is only invisible to the consumer classes. The ones who put X Factor and Footie above keeping an eye on world affairs. As I've mentioned before on many occasions Obama's first choice of political book in the Whitehouse was the Lincoln biography Team Of Rivals. Maybe the only upset he's facing right now is an October Surprise. I doubt anyone in the mainstream knows what turfed Carter out after the first term but that's mainstream for you. The more mainstream you go, the less you know.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones

I know I'm posting a lot of these lately but Tarpley is one of the most original thinkers out there and you get real value from his interviews on what is happening in the world. While his international stuff is more speculative his US domestic politics are so good I'd vote for him. No one else comes close.