Showing posts with label saturnalia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saturnalia. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Saturn & Metatron's Cube

I spent the afternoon on Saturn. Or rather on Jet Propulsion Laboratories(JPL) and NASA's website doing some research and struck oil on that whole NASA/JPL obsession with the occult thing that says to me, more is going on under our noses, than your average premier-league fan's blood pressure could handle. Let me you hit you up with the basics if you've missed the earlier Saturnalia posts.

Y'all can see from the sacred geometry below, that there's a two dimensional Hexagon AND a three dimensional Cube right?

You might not have time to watch the videos so let me articulate this carefully. Not every shape within a shape can represent both 2D and 3D structure with the integrity of Metatron's cube above, which can do a whole lot more than Hexagon and Cubes (Hexadron) and is really the DNA of platonic solids, and thus a building block to reality. If you wish the creator of the universe had Metatron's cube in mind before commencing with 3D reality. It's a transcendental form and a blueprint of holographic reality.

Where this gets sexy, is that Saturn was discovered in the 70's to have a rotating Hexagon on its North Pole. Nowhere else in the universe is this the case (to our knowledge) and so we might ask ourselves a pertinent question. Why did the ancient Hebrews (and others) worship the black cube (Teffilin) and Saturn right up until today?

Or rather, how did they know that Saturn has a representational Metatron's cube when we only found out a few decades ago? The link with the Islamic Kaabah is hard to ignore too if you can now see the 2D Hexagon and 3D Hexadron.

I throw in the Islamic link at the end as a hint of today's findings. Saturn's influence on our space and time are hard to ignore and I've now had a Damascene conversion to possible influence of of Saturn on our planet as displayed by the ancient Hebrews AND the cosmic elites at NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratories. I was sure before but now I'm convinced. Oh and the good news is maybe we got outside help on our side. The evidence has been under our noses for some time, but buckle up for the ride because there are those with everything to lose and we have EVERYTHING to gain. Here's the NSA main building in the United States.

Satan comes from Saturn and Saturnalia was a big Roman god and religion with Saturday devoted to worship. It's gone underground since then.

Saturday, 16 December 2023

Is Saturn's Moon Iapetus Artifical

There are lots of anomalies in the solar system but Iapetus is the most challenging to describe as natural. Our moon is an even bigger deal, but it's harder to convince people who have no background and interest in the study and research of non terrestrial phenomenas.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

The Shining - Kubrick's Autobiographical Harassment

All of Stanley Kubrick's later movies relate to elite shadowy groups that persecuted him till the end of his life. What they did, what he saw, what they blackmailed him with, how they intimidated him and the ritualism they perform through occult worship and human sacrifice fill his movies. Most people are unaware that the molestation and sacrifice of prepubescent children pumps their bodies up with powerful natural chemical-cocktails and energies that the dark ones feed off. Adrenalin, endorphins, Chi energy and so on and so forth.

That might be somewhat difficult to comprehend for many so I'll lay it out a bit simpler. Everything is energy. Humans are a special type of energy. You will know this from the felt presence of experience during sexual activity, violence or a particularly riveting football match. There are many other examples but the chi energy released from prepubescent children is as intense as it gets. It wasn't fun for me to learn this and so I don't see why it should be fun for you either. It's not a fun subject.

This is why the institutionalised child sex abuse issue that David Icke campaigns against is all about an insiders club at the very top of society cutting through elite layers of law, politics, academia and science to mention just a few. Kids are groomed or abducted to feed the tight emotional bond that that groups experience during occult worship with human sacrifice. More of that will be coming out in the future but there's plenty of testimony on the internet and books written about it, though the best interview is the Franklin Case that I posted over here.

Many people complain that The Shining's script by Kubrick went too far off the book's narrative, but that's ignoring the real story that was being told. After filming the moon landing's for NASA because of his impressive expertise in 2001 Space Odyssey, Kubrick realised that instead of being seduced by the beautiful woman they portrayed themselves as, it was instead a diseased and aged whore.

Kubrick got lost in a maze of venality during this time in his career and left us many clues in his film as to who pulls the strings of power and what specific kinds of low vibrational occult worship they are into. Google "bears and paedophiles" for example.

The emphasis of Saturnalia hexagons is hard to ignore.


Towards the end of the movie the bathroom scene is evidently a rendezvous with the top of the pyramid in terms of Faustian bargains. It's clear he's trying to say he had no idea of the full context that he had embroiled himself in, and so Kubrick drops a lot of clues as to who that person is and what they are about.

Kubrick frames Jack Nicholson head perfectly with the diamond/cuboid pattern behind him, as by this time in the movie the character is Clockwork Oranged. That's a reference to the mind control techniques that the Saturnalia worshippers exploit through MKULTRA and Monarch Programming.

Every single detail is worked out to communicate, including colour and black silhouette shapes. Kubrick was a genius for stylish attention and Stephen King aficionados have raged at the reversal of endless details in the script which are not about the signified,  but rather the signifier's importance. He's telling us the reversal itself is the primary point.

However in the final analysis it's the bathroom scene where most of the clues are laid bare with its intensely red emphasis on ablutions, pacts with the devil and exclusion to females. If there's one scene where the dialogue needs extra attention from the viewer, it's between these two men.

For more information on the Archons that kept Kubrick in fear of his life, you could do no better than read up on Jay Weidner's work and/or listen to this latest interview where he spills the beans very liberally. Kubrick was certainly one of the greatest film-makers ever but also one where life and art became inseparable, culminating in his final attack on our blindness to "hidden in plain sight" evil through Eyes Wide Shut

Stanley Kubrick died unexpectedly shortly after completing that movie and just days after its private pre-screening with the studios who subsequently edited out the dangerous revelations they could no longer endure, and which Kubrick's death prevented him from fighting. Nobody knows where those missing scenes are but we know enough to point our fingers in the right direction.

Stanley Kubrick died 66 days into the year 1999, and 666 days before 1 January 2001 a date punctuated with question marks given his direction of the movie 2001 Space Odyssey

A classic illuminati symbolism loaded hit.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Saturn Death Cult Theory Is A Subset of The Electric Universe

Troy McLachlan interviewed by Dia Nunez in a mesmerizing podcast. I'm so grateful that we get a chance to digest this stuff before the rest. The term swamped by reality comes to mind and so we're able to contextualise the implications of all this and keep our seats at the front of the train. 

It's an even better interview than the Red Ice episode although maybe that was just so overwhelming I couldn't digest all the information in one go.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Randy Maugans Interviews James Horak

I don't agree that Dr Norman Bergrun's Saturnalian ringmakers are the same as James Horak's EMVs. One is photography of emergent rings around Saturn in nine months between 1980 and 1981, and the others are SOHO satellite images of what can only be described as heliosphere CME-blocking. I also disagree with Randy Maugans assessment of Bill Brockbrader (nee Woods) and both Randy and James understanding of multiple timelines and timeline convergence/divergence.

Other than that it's still a good interview. James has a strong erudite mind and his off planet experiences are worth a listen though his ex military background is worth factoring in as with all ex military and security services members for MKULTRA isues. He's on Facebook though and does talk to people. He rarely talks about ET in Facebook only conspiracy but he does have a fondness for Russian literature and is no fool.

Here's Dr Norman Bergrun speaking about Saturn's rings.

Privately Dr Bergrun has confirmed to Jordan Maxwell that the rings of Saturn are constructed (as John Lash confirms here) but publicly on Coast to Coast he's less direct. Many of us feel that Saturnalian rings are Archontic and that unlike the Solar EMV phenomena  Saturn is not benevolent.

The growing consensus is that Nassim Haramein's conclusion of the sun as stargate is very likely. I think it explains this kind of phenomena.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

John Lash - Planetary Tantra - Talk 12 (Saturnalian Rings Of Archontic Deception)

I've skipped to posting talk twelve here as it's one of the most memorable. In it John Lash declares that the Archontic headquarters are in Saturn's rings. A few have implied this, but it's interesting to hear it said explicitly while for me still resonating intuitively.

There's also enough science to support this remarkable thought through Dr Norman Bergrun's Ringmakers of Saturn. I take the matter seriously.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Troy McLachlan - The Crimes of The Saturn Death Cult

Troy McLachlan returns to Red Ice Radio to finish up the program series on "The Saturn Death Cult". Our focus shifts from the mechanics of the Saturn system and the polar conjunction to the crimes of the Saturn death cult. Troy outlines his theory that explains why today's frightening sex-murder cults and secret societies are nothing more than a twisted, yet deadly legacy of a time when people yearned for the rebirth of the planet Saturn as our original sun and source of life and light. This is linked to the ancient practice of money lending and the consequences of this practice for today's international financial crisis. The conclusion is reached that there is a disturbing occult connection to the planet Saturn and its influence over a perceived worldwide collective march towards fulfilling a terrifying elitist agenda of 'justifiable' global genocide. "The Saturn Death Cult" discusses the existence of a worldwide malevolent occult culture that is fundamentally flawed to its core by an erroneous understanding of the ritualistic and mythological traditions surrounding the planet and god Saturn. This subsequently casts certain Saturnian-based occult groups and secret societies in a vastly different light where their trans-humanistic agendas are exposed for the fraudulent, yet dangerous nonsense they are - a set of rogue belief systems completely devoid of all legitimacy in their claims and ambitions to seek influence over the affairs of mankind.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Was Saturn Once Our Sun? - Saturnalia & Coaxial Brown Dwarf Arrangements

It's not only Troy McLachlan who has a story of a different solar system in the past and if we're listening to John Lash and his Sophia's Correction forecast it may well have in the near future once again. The case for Saturn worship (death cult) from ancient times to the Nazis not only builds up but gains credence in a logarithmic manner. I appreciate the way Troy pays attention to the Kubrick, Saturn, Nazi connection. This post links in nicely with the Plasma Cosmology post.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

The Lord Of The Rings (Tolkien, Astro Theology, Norse Texts & Saturnalia)

Most people make the mistake of thinking Tolkien wrote fantasy when in fact he wasn't entirely making it up but in fact synthesized the narrative from ancient Norse texts that tap straight into the DNA memory of ancient story telling in ways that science can't explain. It takes an astro-theological understanding of the solar system to digest what Tolkien was saying as well an appreciation of details such as there really were giants that once walked the earth.

Sauron/Saturn/Set/Saturday. All roads lead to Rome if we scratch away at the narrative, it takes an X factor sized sacrifice but it's worth it. Below is the Pederast Pope in his Saturnalia hat, so called for it's representational rings of Saturn.