Showing posts with label psyops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psyops. Show all posts

Friday 2 February 2024

The Taylor Swift Psyop

It's the old folks who can't see that the news is synthetic and pretty much reports the opposite of the reality. The youngsters are a lot more savvy in my experience but Taylor Swift has 600 million followers and that's a lot of celebrity influence.

Her boyfriend makes more from Pfizer vaccine endorsements than American Football. It's disgusting given excess deaths the media aren't reporting.

Sunday 22 October 2023

The Dancing Israelis

If any of the dancing Israelis at the the SuperNova Sukhot festival near the Re'im Kibbutz want to know more about the Israeli Government's involvement and planning of the massacre, just get in touch. 

The choice to know will be yours.

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Disinformation Is Necessary



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Friday 20 August 2021

Afghanistan - Essential Viewing

Franklin D. Roosevelt didn't say "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way", but you can bet who ever said it knew what they were talking about. 

Shakespeare said a similar thing "All the worlds' a stage" and whoever was the cutout for Shakespeare, (Sir Francis Bacon a possible candidate), also knew the kabuki theatre like quality of world events.

As soon as I saw the numbers 11 and 09 on the departing US Airforce plane in Kabul, my spidey-sense was triggered and a quick scroll through twitter corroborated all the numerology and question marks that are symptomatic of a staged event or a psychological operation.

What's the objective? Public sympathy for Afghan partners to relocate to the UK as per Kalergi plan. Don't get me wrong, I sympathise deeply with Afghans who have risked their lives to help us, but it won't be just those guys coming over in droves (indeed many are already here as I've chatted to a few working as Taxi drivers).

Putting aside the woo woo talk of the Afghan psyop, I came across this amazing interview of Lara Logan who drops truth bomb after bomb on why it's an effing mess in Afghanistan. 

It's meant to be that way, and it doesn't matter which video clip you prefer, the people pretending to run countries aren't really the ones in charge. There's a much more sinister network in control, though as I've stated recently, I think their days will one day be over, if indeed, they aren't already.

Monday 28 June 2021

Facebook Terminates my Account

Oddly enough, I hadn't used my FB account for a couple of days so it did come as a surprise. I don't blame them at all. The narrative of vaccines causing injuries is disintegrating in real time, and the bioweapon known as Sars-Cov-2 (for the people who can delineate between that Corona and COVID-19) is starting to cause enough medical problems for consumer society to actually start scratching their heads and shock-horror, consider the impact of blood clots, bells palsy, heart injury, paralysis, and the rest of the toxic shit-show that comes from the 'grab a jab' and immunity deficiency that vaccines cause.

The above report is on The Guardian's Comment is Free section as MSM's failure becomes self evident. It's best you take a look now to see the epic gaslighting that dying is part of the vaccine process

Just as damming are the reports of airline pilots who are suffering blood-clots in the pressurised cabins and the airlines are literally fucked as their insurance excludes any vaccine injury. British airways naturally denied it but it's not rocket science to see the correlation with Indian pilots dropping like flies.

There's no joy in being right on this subject, and knowing that it's just a matter of time as the herd finally hear the other shoe drop. There have been heated arguments with my father who is quite a good researcher on specific topics, but I've found that as with many from his generation, the inability to admit being incorrect, or even just plain wrong is almost pathological.

On the other side of the spectrum, my daughter who is a lot more clever at her age than when I was 18, thinks it's down to a lifestyle choice of choosing between the Chinese vaccine (Sinovac) or the Astra Zeneca (the Oxford one created by a laboratory managed by a French person) when both are pure poison for a teen whose immunity deficiency could wipe the floor with mine, which will never have an injection willingly. It's kind of interesting but I know a few thousand conspiracy researchers, and not one has died from Covid, on the other hand I have known and met genuine 'COVID' patients and all were gullible about the corporate media. The ones who die are invariably those who lap up the media-messaging and live in a state of fear, unable to live because they're too frightened to die.

The death subject is something that applies to all of us and should be more benign as a discussion; but isn't for very obvious cultural programming issues.

I'm using the time we have left (it will one day run out as events outpace the time to make hard decisions) to share the most effective memes I come across on a wide bunch of platforms, but I don't need FB users to connect with me. 

It's a censorship graveyard.

RIP Facebook, it's been quite a ride.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

The Flat Earth, Limited Hangout Psyop - Cui Bono?

Last year a trusted and respected blog I follow started to write about a subject that was so wild they wouldn't address it directly but just started to introduce topics and ask strange questions.

When I realised it was a Flat Earth claim I couldn't believe that somebody so smart could be making such an outlandish claim.

However by nature I am addicted to truth and that means reading a lot of lies, mountains of bullshit and cesspit's of disinformation, so I commenced studying the subject.

After 30 hours or so of learning, I concluded that there was indeed something there on many of the topics raised but the central premise did not stand up for me (naturally I could be wrong).

I concluded it was in the favour of outfits like NASA or GCHQ to have people running around prozelytizing a geocentric universe as it would discredit many other subjects in the eyes of the spoon fed masses.

Most of all, I found the zealous extremism of 'believers' distasteful and their inability to tackle subjects that cost human lives every day a great moral failure.

Nobody has died from living on a tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron or spherical planet Earth. Anybody who has invested time studying the holographic universe would find the subject somewhat comedic given the illusory nature of much that is called solid reality.

However I dipped back into the subject this morning and I see the proponents have begun to realise my early assessment is in fact a reality though they still cling to the central tenet and that's alright by me. However I was impressed by a couple of the people in this Google hangout, and will make an effort to keep up with their work as I like their intelligence and level of sophistication on this complex subject which has now outstripped my early study by the six months I have ignored the subject.

I have much work to do on Terra Firma matters I feel can be resolved so that's where my focus is but I keep an open ear and a receptive mind to new information no matter how challenging.

One thing I am no longer wedded to is the heliocentric model though I'm surprised so few have applied the helical model to the subject.

In the mean time it's back to the grindstone of pragmatic activism and the really hard truth telling that scares the hell out of power such as The Number Six.

Monday 11 November 2013

Sandy Hook Psyop - How To Use A Drill For Problem Reaction Solution

Sandy Hook is one of those quasi-intelligence closed-communities that you could run a tactical nuclear weapon drill with it and the corporate media would report it as real. This excellently produced video by Sophie Smallstorm explains the mistakes they made and the obvious as well as secondary psychological agendas.

I urge you to watch it and get a feel for how sophisticated psychological manipulation is, if you haven't caught on that the corporate media are in bed with the security industrial complex and it's goal of controlling humans like sheep.

It's always satisfying to keep talking and posting about Sandy Hook and the other psyops/false flags peddled by the corporate media, because long after the Zombies can only remember something about gun control and kids, we will be reminding those who have a chance that it's a crock of shit.

Hat's off to Sofia Smallstorm for her excellent and measured analysis