Wednesday 2 August 2023

It's Only Climate If It Changes - If It Doesn't Change - It's Not Climate

I've yet to meet a Climate Panic-Janet who knows how much of the trace element CO2 is in the atmosphere. Anybody who thinks this Grand Solar minimum (I've waited a decade, I'm calling it this year/harsh winter big time) is a shocker needs to skate across the Thames or jump up and down killing thousands of red and black ants in the scorching but awesome summer of 1976. Yeah that's a lot of bad Karma there for me. I wouldn't even kill a cockroach these days if I can avoid it but it's too late right? Don't pass go, back to square one.

Some may recall that I'm authentically frugal in many things as I want to leave the lightest footprints when it's over but, I'm here to challenge anyone; if you think the BS from the toxic legacy media is sincere.. that's ignorance, but it's not ignorance that reigns. It's cowardice and that's how fear works on gentle humans or Hobbits as Tolkien called them. But we need one of you timid ones to stand up and walk with your back straight. So all can see that it can be done.

The price of silence over known liars is unacceptable. Let me bring the Suppuku sword so you can leave with dignity for your offspring who will still pay the price.

Tuesday 1 August 2023

Mel Gibson on Satanic Hollywood

I can no longer writer lengthy posts here as they vanish in front of my eyes. I'm not looking for sympathy, there may be a very good reason for it, but it's no more text for a while. Mel drops an absolute banger of Hollyweird intel in this. Few will notice.

Just in case: