Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Searching For Sugarman - 2012

As good a music documentary as you'll ever watch. This is heart warming and also obliquely informative about apartheid South Africa which, we learn, didn't have television until 1976 it was so authoritarian.

It's a great example of how music and art can connect with people who are in a long dark tunnel.

Monday, 24 April 2017

I'm Offended By Violence & Poverty, Not Nudity

Choose Pussy over Pain from Cidney G Green on Vimeo.

Wise words that will offend the superficial.

Racing Extinction - 2015

Every subject is weaponized so I understand those who mistakenly conflate climate change politics with ocean acidification because of their mutual connection to carbon dioxide levels.

This documentary is a powerful wake up call and even though research is often weaponized to prove one point or another I see no reason for not being the best custodians of the oceans and seas that we can. The Manta Ray scene above is very moving and a possible example of emergence.

The question remains what will the post-Anthropocene age look like?