Showing posts with label hebrew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hebrew. Show all posts

Monday 10 April 2023

Brand New Interview - Graham Hancock - Mauro Biglino & The Elohim

All of the topics in the title have been discussed here over the years so use the search engine box or the tags at the end of the post if additional contexts are desired.

The universe is vast, I only have quantum-grasp of infinity from what was taught to me during my extended (15 minutes) Dimethyltryptamine experience that Clif High describes as hyperspace and is a much better word than the usual descriptions of entheogenic adjectives. There are no words to describe it, it's more real than this reality and the ability to convey the experience in Materium is difficult and inevitably misleading if not impossible - Though I have tried.

It is my view that the human experience for thousands of years has been manipulated not just by largely oblvious humans but by relatively small groups of non-human entities. A milder and more pedestrian explanation of this might be something like the Sons of Cain version of history whereby their genetics are superior to ours due to some hybrid experimentations and so forth.

I can only comment that a faction of this theoretical or prospective group are creative in ways that are inspirational. They do more with less and that's something humans should clutch to our souls as close as possible.

Other than that, Mauro Biglino has provided us with updated information with respect to this fresh-off-the cloud video interview that was much more surprising than I ever thought imaginable. 

I try to operate on the basis that I can only learn, when I recognise I'm wrong and that looks to be the case in this instance, but paradoxically it may well be a more tightly harnessed argument for the unsettling crypto-terrestrial explanations such as Mac Tonnies expanded on before his premature demise from myocarditis in his 30s. Mauro suggests in this fascinating discourse, they may never have left but instead gone underground.

Mauro Biglino used to be the Vatican's highest authority on bible translation till he proved there were no translations for words such as Elohim or the Shaddai but did demonstrate they weren't spiritual, and so apart from the context we can only speculate on the exact meaning of unworldly small mouth noises, but we can safely say the Elohim are plural not singular. The Vatican fired him, airbrushed his name out of the catalogue of 150 books bearing his name on them and he now gets death threats for presenting his work to the people.

Historians invariably kowtow to the Archaeologist who slur their words to be a science. I pay most attention to scholarly research that is edgy not banal or self-serving. 

I study rock, I don't suck it.


Saturday 11 February 2023

How To Tell When Someone Is Deceptive

In the Talmud, rocking back and forth is considered praying, or Shuckling (שאקלינג) if one prefers Hebrew. It's also a massive warning sign that something isn't right.

In 21st century sophistry, donating money to the very problems created by the donor is called Philanthropism. Let me repeat this another way as most don't get it, or can't believe it, but it's a fact. Billionaires not millionaires use astrologers. That's JP Morgan, but I only just confirmed he said it making a quick check. I first learned and internalised it years ago when I started researching and listening to people who know Billionaires and their grasp of the esoteric.

It's almost impossible to be a Billionaire and free of serious karma. They know that, so to offset their negative karma, they will funnel money into cosmetically good causes, but in actual fact, they will establish the causes that align with their commercial interests. Bill Gates is the best example as like that other scum bag Margaret Mead (abortion fanatic) the Gates bloodline are eugenicists. So all his billions go into media donations and the Gates Foundation, who ostensibly proselytise health care for the poor, but in actual fact that's vaccines, which are just one lever on the control board of reduced life expectancy and a massive -  beyond your wildest dreams profit engine which goes straight back into Grifter Gates' back pocket, as he's one of the biggest investors.

That's all vaccines not just the latest injections which are not vector vaccines but hybrid gene warfare as many will find out in the months and years to come. The critical confusion by most people is they don't know that hygiene levels had all but extinguished many of the most common diseases back in the day, but it takes some study to investigate all of them and the deception goes back a very long way. Before covid, It was most punitive (experimental) in say India and Africa where the deadliest ones have been trialled and killed tens of thousands. I tried sourcing the original news articles on that topic recently and the internet has been scrubbed again of that information. It can be found but it really takes some effort and creative digital backflips to find even alternative sources.

Let me quote Billy Goat Gates at a TED talk:  “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent."

This is the oldest topic I've been banging on about for years now. It's revelation of the method and known as "masterfully speaking" in Masonic nomenclature.

Another example is a photo of Gates of Hell with a book about how to lie with statistics. This is not an inadvertent  oversight. Yet again, revelation of the method and the principal reason why people fell for the covid and pandemic scam.

My favourite line is 'I'm grateful for the injections without which my covid would have been far worse? Really? Have you thought it through? How do you prove a counterfactual? Even Gates isn't peddling that mental handicap for logic any more, but the injected are. Go ahead, see what he says now. They're worse then useless. They're toxic and clot the blood causing strokes, heart attacks, myocarditis and pericarditis and much more over the months and years as we're only at the starting block.

Here's your boy telling us he made a killing over poorly performing jibby jabby efficacy.

If only 15% died, you do realise that isn't in the poor countries? Most of those couldn't afford them and life is tickety-boo there. 15% would be a smaller percentage than I or many researchers have anticipated. It's not as if the potential for expanded war is a possibility, currency-collapse, famine and/or pestilence before dementia, obesity, heart disease, autism and diabetes could ever be lethal for a lot of people.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Are the Abrahamic Faiths Space Cults? | Res Inexplicatae Volantes - R.I.V.

It's a long shot. It's hardly likely that you'll be into Sumerian, Cuneiform, The Bible, Ancient Hebrew, The Phoeneicians, Aramaic and UFO's. But just in case you are this is blowing my mind and I've only watched the first part. Exciting because it's another nail in the stage we're building which says. That old story is a lot less persuasive than this new one.

Mauro Biglino is an Italian scholar of history and of religions. He has published five books in Italy, two of which are focused on the research and re-translation work of the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament of the Bible in a literal way; word for word, from the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia.

The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia is the first printed edition of the Masoretic text, derived from the Leningrad Codex of 1008 AD, which is the original text of reference of the Bible for the Roman Catholic Church and for the Bible of theChristian Protestant Churches – the KingJamesVersion – and for the Torah of the Jewish religion.

What he discovered during the translation process was nothing short of paradigm shattering.

A quote from Mr. Biglino, “The bible tells us about beings that have come from other worlds and made the mankind; over the centuries these beings have been transformed into divinities and the original plurality has been reduced to a single god.”

Be prepared to have your long held paradigms challenged