Showing posts with label ONI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ONI. Show all posts

Thursday 8 December 2022

The Twitter Files

It's an unprecedentedly juicy and mouth-watering steak being served up on social media. The people who still trust the legacy media for most of their information are in for a world of pain. Like all pain, the longer the deferment, the more painful it is.

It's like a snowball gathering pace and the avalanche, while not with us quite yet, is in slow enough motion for the entire world to see a transparency at levels of global power-elite that most people don't even get close enough to wait their tables.

Most informed people will know the names of the people above, but Jack Poso might be new to you. Back in the day I used to give him a hard time because he's ex Naval Intelligence and didn't even know MOS/Neocons/Zios were the key actors of 9/11.

The irony is that ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) lost 8 of their own at the Pentagon that day, and if I'm not mistaken were assigned to the room where the missing $2.3 Trillion was being investigated and which was taken out by high impact explosion. Literally killing that investigation stone dead, or as Bill Gates likes to wail at the wall "aaaah that'll be a dead end'.

Poso has been red pilled since those days, and it's been informative observing the necessary changes and checks to his speech he now makes.

Many will never know because it's through omissions, which the BBC are the world champions at, but not here.

Monday 8 July 2013

Thank Yeesuz For Whistleblowers

There isn't a single crooked power institution I haven't criticized. The Queen, Mossad, CIA, MI6, NSA and DHS not to mention that gem taking the piss out of the ONI who were given a slap in the face on 9/11 and haven't got the stones to hit back.

My mobile number is public, I don't use a pseudonym, my emails addresses are easy to find and I only weed out the obvious security "friend me invites" on Facebook.

Occasionally I get anonymous threats. I'm sometimes attacked by coordinated astroturf groups on twitter and from time to time my phone takes a call from anonymous people who don't want to talk. My blog is regularly visited by the CIA and DHS and practically every U.S. GovCorp™ agency you can think of though of course many of these may be just be idle surfers looking to understand reality.

It has come to my attention that my name might soon be dragged through the mud. I did some Google Analytics of my websites and the data backed up the Intel I'm receiving. The worst that can happen is I could be be found in something like a compromising sex and drug related position and my family will be most hurt from this as that's the deliberate aim as you can see below.

I take it as a compliment of my research on who really runs the show that anybody would waste their time on a two bit blogger like myself. 

In order to preempt a couple of chess moves while nobody is looking I'll just link to these three URL's and tinker with some digital backflips, and then I will wait and see what happens. I'll be taking a screen grab of this but you should too if you want be fully documented. Particularly those links which point to areas of interest.

In any case it has all been worth it and I'd do it all again because it was the right thing to do. Sucking up to the scum who run things is not my cup of tea.


Friday 17 August 2012

Join The Secret Navy - Enjoy A Little Detention 鬼

This is so gay it's worthy of analysis and comment. The 20 minute presentation by the Office of Naval intelligence practically bleeds fear and cold war paranoia. It tells us that the US Navy really didn't want to get into a proxy war in Korea after destroying and killing a third of the civil population and losing so many American lives in glaring hot summers and brutal winters during the US war on the Korean peninsula.

Which makes you wonder why the US didn't drop a nuke again as they killed more of the innocent civilian population one by one in North Korea?

The over the top explanation for naval manoeuvres that led to a the USS Pueblo being confiscated by North Korea from the US Navy serves to demonstrate what would the American people feel if a North Korean Navy ship was 10 nautical miles off Seal Beach, California?

I'm quite happy to take comments on this one if any of my assumptions are erroneous. I understand cold war ambiguity but this isn't the cold war and the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) sit on some of the most needed technology by mankind are incapable of rounding up a few banksters and crooks. Unable to do a real job they persecute people who eschew violence and killing.  That's called cowardice where I come from.

Update: The video has been removed but its worth bearing in mind that the ONI were taken out by Mossad and their Neocon buddies on 9/11.